Hello from the sunny and very hot Greece!
I think that doing some strengthening exersises is very helpfull and now that I ve reached week 9 I am abosolutely sure that these exercises are an essential part of my progress.
After searching many fitness programs for runners I found these 2 very interesting and free android apps
So feeling thankful for all the support you provide I 'd like to share with you what I know about these apps that I have put them in my schedule in 2 non running days per week
The one is Plank Workout-30 days plank challenge by leap fitness group that provides plank variations to help you get a stronger core and the other is Home Workout - No equipment from the same company that provides workout routines for all the main muscle groups. I follow the lower body 7X4 (28 days) challenge
Both the above programs are gradually challenging so they are easy to start and challenging to follow. The pictures on top of the post are from the progams for the 1st day
I strongly suggest to take a look at them