Recovering health after menopause - Stand Up 2 OA

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Recovering health after menopause

robinbays profile image
6 Replies

Well, here I am, at a place in my health that i thought i would never be. After going through the worst health episode of my life, I am now 50 lbs overweight & recovering from clinical depression.

However, I AM getting better!! I am here for kindred spirits who understand physical pain, & to learn to deal with this pain.

I look forward to learning a great deal, & supporting others through their trials.

Thank you for all you do!

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6 Replies

Great to have you here in the community. I think that a lot of people find that being overweight seems to be connected to depression and that increasing activity is helpful for both. Have you made a plan for what you are going to do next? What steps are you thinking about?

robinbays profile image
robinbays in reply to

I try without success to lose weight. I last 2-3 days then give up. Aches all over & I have received help for clinical depression. But I still lack the motivation to diet; not to start, but for endurance. I think all my problems began by sleeping all the time. The sleep stage lasted two years. I’m sure my metabolism suffered. I used to love exercise & swimming; not so now. At least I’m not sleeping all the time now. That’s one giant step forward. I love working in my flowerbeds but now my low back kills me.

Any tips for endurance to lose weight would be great. I never had a weight problem before. Now, 50 lbs overweight.

in reply to robinbays

Hi robinbays. I do understand how hard it is, especially if you have been experiencing depression because one of the symptoms of depression is low energy and not having much motivation or enthusiasm. It's possible that anti-depressant meds can lead to some weight gain too, but they will help improve your energy levels so if you think this is part of the problem maybe talk to your doctor about it. This link is quite helpful on this subject.

some people find that the most pleasurable exercise is walking for about 30 mins and that can be quite social if you can form a group. Sometimes the social part is a real tonic! I find using a FITBIT to count steps is really motivating each day.

Personally I like to use a simple exercise bike set up in the living room so I can watch TV too, it makes the time pass if I can catch up on favorite shows. I got it on Amazon for about $80.00 delivered, not as much as I thought it would be in fact.

Most important is be gentle on yourself if you can't achieve your exercise goals at first. It's very hard to get back in a routine and you might not succeed at first but you can just forgive yourself and try again (and again) until you get there!

For a bit of encouragement there is another group you can follow on here: if you read some of the posts there you will find there are lots of people just like you!

robinbays profile image
robinbays in reply to

thank you so much for your caring remarks. sounds like I am on the right track but some if your suggestions are particularly encouraging. I will try them all! and the websites & group. thank you again!

in reply to robinbays

thanks so much for participating in the community, and please do post your thoughts on what is working and what is challenging on here anytime!

LJones942 profile image


Welcome to our group. Please be comforted in knowing that you are not alone in these challenges. I would like to offer two suggestions based on my experience. First, get moving but don't overdo it. I have an activity monitor (like a Fitbit). Start with small goals. If you normally walk about 2-3,000 steps a day then increase 500 steps for a week or two. Then increase again and then again. The good thing about this is that you do not have to do it all at once but you can break it up. If you do not have an activity monitor that is still OK. Plan to take a short walk 2-3 times a day. The walk can be to circle your home. Then increase it the following week.

I hate the word 'diet'. It means that I am not eating something that I want. Again a lot of people go on a stark diet and cut out a whole bunch of foods at once. Of course this will not last! It is about limiting quantities of food. I personally no longer eat dessert every day but do allow myself to eat something small on Saturday or Sunday (if I want to). I also limit bread to once a week. It is about changing how you eat - and decreasing quantity is important.

As far as the depression, finding a support group helps.

Remember - one small step at a time.

Good luck and let us know how you are doing.

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