Pain gone: This is a mystery, Ive had... - Stand Up 2 OA

Stand Up 2 OA

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Pain gone

20 Replies

This is a mystery, Ive had progressive osteoarthritis in my rt knee for years. This winter it has gotton worse to the point I could no longer walk to our mailbox( 1/2 mile round trip) as the pain and limping got too bad. This weekend my husband noticed I wasnt limping,which I do have some days the pain is gone but still cannot walk far.

Well today I decided to test my knee out and I walked down and back to mailbox pain free!!! So, Im asking you professionalmedical people, what could possibly have occurred for my pain to go away? ( I almost hesitate to even talk about it as it might rear its ugly head back up tomorrow😫). But either way, it felt great to be able to walk a distance with no pain.

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20 Replies
rockies profile image

Wow Hoski!! This is so great. I am not a doctor but I certainly think that continuing the walk each day would be helpful. You might also like to browse the website

Let me know if you continue to be pain free. Have a good week.

in reply to rockies


in reply to

Hi Hoski. I'm very happy for you and am wondering if you changed something in your diet without realizing it. I try to eat healthy most of the time but we all slip now and then and I am no exception. I do notice if I overeat on sugar or eat too much salt (rare for me) or msg but one chinese dinner out will do it, then my knees will really hurt much worse -sometimes for several days-until that extra sugar or salt works its way out of my system. Just something to think about. One thing i don't eat (or drink) in any form is any kind of artificial sweetener. I decided this about three years ago for other health reasons. One thing I noticed-gradually- as it took a while to make the connection is that much of my chronic muscle aches and pains lessened significantly. There is a lot of info out there on the "evils" of artificial sweeteners-they aren't even food. Might be worth checking out. Hope this helps. Take care. irina

in reply to

Thankyou for your response. I dont think much has changed diet wise. I too battle with a fib so watch my eating alot closer than pre a fib. I stopped all artificial sweetners too. No alcohol, cut out fast food, processed foods other than occaisional slip up. Ive lost wt but that was over 2 yr. Only change I can see is adding metoprolol med the same time the pain left. Cardiologist says no connection.

in reply to

You got it. Hope your afib is doing as well as mine. My only other answer for your pain gone is "The Universe has sent you a gift." Take care. irina

fleener profile image
fleener in reply to

I feel like my knees hurt too after eating cake or ice cream.

lenoir profile image
lenoir in reply to

I am glad you are walking more .l have had to knee replacements and I am moving much as possible I am doing 10 thousands steps or more a day.Keep on moving.

in reply to rockies

Still doing well and walking 1/2 mile a day, added 15 min on my ex bike and that is going well. I was just put on metoprolol( a beta blocker) for blood pressure and a fib. I googled beta blockers and osteoarthritis and did find some info on how beta blockers can affect pain in a good way. Interesting. Nice unexpected side effect.

in reply to

It's 3 mo later, Im up to 30 min( over 5 mi.) on my exercise bike, I can easily walk 5,000-6,000 steps in a day not but weather has become hot and high humidity, so outside walking not as easy. Im making myself do at least 30 min on bike everyday. My problem knee still complains but not as bitterly as before. Im not taking any pain meds🌟🌟🌟. Im working on weight loss and minimum of 30 min exercise every day.

lenoir profile image
lenoir in reply to

That is awesome you are making life changes.

RAMONJIMENEZ profile image


in reply to RAMONJIMENEZ

My thoughts exactly!! Woke up this morning pain free. God does heal, I am a retired nurse of 43 yr, didnt see too much healing but I do believe💜

in reply to

Just a quick note. I am a retired nurse also-worked almost 40 years. irina

LJones942 profile image

This is indeed good news. Please keep on a path of healthy living. Please keep moving but don't overdo.

in reply to LJones942

Yes it’s tempting to see how far I can push. Since today is painfree day 2, Im planning on taking the same stroll as I did yesterday.

solarjdo69 profile image

Saw your post about pain free and arthritis. Arthritis runs inmy family and I started having issues about 8 years ago. creaky in AM and pain in back, leg and knee joints. I started taking a joint formula that contains hylauronic acid - HA Formula from Works like a champ! HA helps body make the synovial joint fluid that lubricates our joints. The other item it has helped is that I k=no longer need to wear my glasses fro reading. I can read the smallest scrawl on bottles from about 6" away. SO I read without glasses AND my distance vision is better. Check it out.

About the suddeness of pain free. I had a friend who worked for the railroad who injured his back lifting too much and went to Mayo clinic et al... They showedhim how to deal with the pain which he suffered through 3-4 years until... shoveling snow (Minnesota) he slipped and fell on his back and heard a crack. Been fine ever since.

Maybe you did something similar which put something back in place.

suryakaizen profile image

This is great news Hoski! I hope it stays. I know how unrelenting pain can be as I too suffer from osteoarthritis. When the weather is damp, there are more twinges, but in warm weather, I don’t feel pain. Crossing my fingers for you.

wrightfan profile image

I hope it lasts. Keep up the good work., whatever you are doing!

in reply to wrightfan

Its been 7 mo since my original post. I actually made it to 10, 000 steps last week, averaging 7,000 most days. Knee has been totally pain free for at least a month now. Winter is wet, cold weather is upon us, so I’m noticing whole body stiffness, but happy my problem knee is still good. I guess it is a combination of wt loss, exercise and good luck, lol. I too hope it lasts, but even if it doesn’t, it has been great to go for long walks again.

7 mo ago I wrote this post, now it is mid winter here in the USA and Mr Arthritis has knocked on my door to remind me he is in town!!! Im not having near as much pain as I am stiffness but still riding my bike 30-45 min daily and able to walk 1-2 miles.

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