Take the test, know your Healthy Activity Sc... - Stand Up 2 OA

Stand Up 2 OA

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Take the test, know your Healthy Activity Score (HAS)

bethedifference profile image
3 Replies

Dear Movers,

We are excited to introduce a new activity to the Start Moving - Strong Knees, Strong Hearts, Strong Minds, community. The HAS test is designed to help you be intentional about health.

When we really want to be healthier, we don’t just “go on a diet”. We make lots of changes that are both large and small, but they all add up to a meaningful lifestyle change.

The most common things that people with osteoarthritis experience are pain and stiffness, things that affect heart health, and feeling down – chronic pain can be stressful and adds to other stress in our lives.

Fortunately, moving and being physically active is the universal medicine for our joints, our hearts, and our minds.

15 Easy Ways to be Healthy & Active Every Day

We have put together a checklist of 15 things you can consciously do, making small changes at first and gradually increasing how many of these activities you do every day.

These 15 simple healthy activities are the important things you can do every day to help body and soul. If you learn and increase all these activities your health will improve. You might lose some weight, but that is not the goal of this program. The goal is overall strength, fitness and happiness – strong joints, heart and mind.

Here’s your weekly checklist for the Healthy Activity Score (HAS) test:

MOVEMENT: All physical activity is scored double!

1. Stretching and breathing movements

2. Short duration physical activity (under 20 minutes)

3. Long duration physical activity (over 20 minutes)

4. Counting steps each day and not too long on the couch

5. Balancing movements

HEALTHY DIET: Increasing healthy ingredients, reducing carbs and drinking lots of water

6. Eating a healthy breakfast most days

7. Eating a healthy lunch most days

8. Eating a healthy dinner most days

9. Avoiding snacks that have lots of carbs (e.g. cookies and chips) most days

10. Drinking plenty of water every day

SELF-CARE: Taking care of yourself and taking control

11. Getting a good night’s sleep most nights

12. Learning about health (including this community) and seeing a professional

13. Avoiding isolation by participating in social activities

14. Taking time for prayer, meditation, mindfulness and intention setting

15. Relaxation and “me-time”

The more often you can include these healthy activities then the higher your Healthy Activity Score will be. Taking the test will make you think about what you did in the last week, and plan for next week. Whenever you answer 0 or 1 you will know areas that you can really work on.

TAKE THE TEST: surveymonkey.com/r/2BPBC7Z

Test is anonymous and takes only 5 minutes or so.

What does your score mean?

HAS of under 30: STARTER MOVER

A score of under 30 indicates that you may not be physically active very often and you may not have a very balanced diet. Think about ways to increase your score by getting into a good routine. Can you find some help and support? Follow our program every week and you will learn lots of tips and tricks to soon increase your score. It’s time to start moving. The only way is up!

Please post your score in the comments here or as a new post and tell the community what you are finding easy and what you are finding hard. Your community will help and support you.

HAS of 30 to 45: STEADY MOVER

Your healthy activity is on average around 2 of each item per day, so you are doing lots of the right things for both body and soul. Keep up the good work and look for ways to make as many of your meals as healthy as possible. Some of the short and easy things you can be doing every day, such as stretching and drinking lots of water.

Please post your score in the comments here or as a new post and tell the community what you are finding easy and what you are finding hard. What tips do you have for making progress and finding time and motivation? Which are the activities that you would like suggestions and ideas?

HAS of 45 to 60: STRONG MOVER

Great, your healthy activity is on average 3 of each item per day, well done! You have a good routine and participating in activities that are good for both mind and body. Make sure you take the test every week to stay motivated to keep your score high and look for ways to pass the magical 60 level.

Please post your score in the comments here or as a new post and tell the community how you have made good progress. What benefits have you been feeling? What tips do you have for the community?


Congratulations, you reached a really good and consistent level of healthy activity that includes physical activity, eating healthily and lots of self-care. You set a great example to your community and must be feeling the benefits. As a leader you also encourage others. Do you walk? Do you take classes? Is Tai Chi your balancing activity?

Please share your score in the comments here or in a post and tell everyone about your routine, what works for you and changes you have made. Keep up the good work!

LINK TO THE TEST: surveymonkey.com/r/2BPBC7Z

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3 Replies

I scored 46, suprised I scored that high as Ive dropped the ball on healthy living. Its cold, snowy here and Im ready for spring. My atitude is usually better.

bethedifference profile image
bethedifference in reply to

Isn't it always nice to have a nice surprise?! It sounds like you are working hard and although there is room for you to do more (as always) you are in a good routine. What do you think your score would have been a couple of years ago?

in reply to bethedifference

zero!!! Ive decided after hubby gets past surgery( today) Im going to make a few appts with a great personal trainer I know with good educational credentials and ask him to set me up with a home ex program. I hate gyms plus its a 30 mile drive to nearest one. My fav exercise is anything outside, lol.

If I had a before a fib 3 yr ago and now profile, it wouldnt look like the same person. The a fib scared me into changing, lost 40 lb. A fib good. Now the knee will push me in to dumping the other 35 lb!

I used to b a no water, only diet pepsi, fast food junkie. Now, when I try to revert back to some of my old habits, my body complains loudly, lol. So, my metamorphasis is going the right direction😎😉

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