There are 15 Easy Ways to be Healthy & Active Every Day
We have put together a checklist of 15 things you can consciously do, making small changes at first and gradually increasing how many of these activities you do every day.
The HAS quiz is anonymous and takes only 5 minutes or so.
What does your score mean?
HAS of under 30: STARTER MOVER
A score of under 30 indicates that you may not be physically active very often and you may not have a very balanced diet. Think about ways to increase your score by getting into a good routine. Can you find some help and support? Follow our program every week and you will learn lots of tips and tricks to soon increase your score. It’s time to start moving. The only way is up!
Please post your score in the comments here or as a new post and tell the community what you are finding easy and what you are finding hard. Your community will help and support you.
HAS of 30 to 45: STEADY MOVER
Your healthy activity is on average around 2 of each item per day, so you are doing lots of the right things for both body and soul. Keep up the good work and look for ways to make as many of your meals as healthy as possible. Some of the short and easy things you can be doing every day, such as stretching and drinking lots of water.
Please post your score in the comments here or as a new post and tell the community what you are finding easy and what you are finding hard. What tips do you have for making progress and finding time and motivation? Which are the activities that you would like suggestions and ideas?
HAS of 45 to 60: STRONG MOVER
Great, your healthy activity is on average 3 of each item per day, well done! You have a good routine and participating in activities that are good for both mind and body. Make sure you take the test every week to stay motivated to keep your score high and look for ways to pass the magical 60 level.
Please post your score in the comments here or as a new post and tell the community how you have made good progress. What benefits have you been feeling? What tips do you have for the community?
Congratulations, you reached a really good and consistent level of healthy activity that includes physical activity, eating healthily and lots of self-care. You set a great example to your community and must be feeling the benefits. As a leader you also encourage others. Do you walk? Do you take classes? Is Tai Chi your balancing activity?
Did you improve? First time? Please share your score in the comments here or in a post and tell everyone about your routine, what works for you and changes you have made. Keep up the good work!