What do you recommend for a person who cannot have knee replacement surgery and suffers excruciating pain from lack of knee cartilage? Background: I am overweight and I have Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis.
HELP Wanted!: What do you recommend for a... - Stand Up 2 OA
Stand Up 2 OA
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Dear Elaine:
I am sorry you are having so much pain. I am not a physician so cannot give you medical advice. Have you talked to your physician to see if he/she has any advice. Perhaps some physical therapy or other ideas for pain relief. You might want to go to the startmovingstartliving.com website and view information found there. Hang in there. Rockies.
Hi Elaine, I am a physical therapist assistant and I work with people in your situation. I am so sorry to hear you are in so much pain. I'd like to offer some ideas for you to try. Joint protection is number one! If the action is painful, it's usually best to avoid it and try something else, so if one of my suggestions hurts, let me know and we can try to switch it up. One of the fist things I have my patients do is a straight leg raise. While lying on your back, bend up one knee and hold the other knee straight. Keep your knee straight as you raise your leg, you only have to raise it as high as you can. Try 10-20 reps 2-3 sets. The next one I recommend is a clam shell. That is where while lying on your side with your knees bent you raise your top knee, keeping your feet together. There are plenty of good youtube video's on both of these exercises if you feel like that would help. Let me know how those go! I hope this helps!
Hi Elaine, thanks for sharing. What things have you tried so far?
Hi Elaine451,
I like pattybcoh exercises. I do similar exercises in bed before getting up and it starts my day with some movement. I do this everyday and I feel less aches in my joints.
I am sorry you are in such pain. I am glad you are asking for our group support.
Hi Elaine
You mentioned that you cannot have knee replacement. What is the reasoning for this?
In addition to starting some simple exercises, you might consider a knee brace. When you see an orthopedic surgeon or orthopedic physical therapist you can discuss bracing options.
Eat less fatty food so you can lose some weight and then you’ll be able to move and keep moving.
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