Was kept awake again last night by my Restless Legs, my left one this time. Sometimes its just my feet that are restless; nothing seems to stop them. I don't get them every night, but wonder what I can do to stop them? Not seen the GP about them yet.
Restless Legs: Was kept awake again... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Restless Legs

Studies have shown that people with scleroderma have less magnesium in their muscles. I, too, have restless legs. Quit the caffeine (I still drink my morning coffee, but that's about it), and add a magnesium vitamin (get a good health store!) in the morning. It makes a HUGE difference.
My restless leg, also the left, sometimes keeps me awake all night, but I do find that Rhus Tox helps. They're available at Boots, and are made by Nelsons. They're herbal, so won't interact with any other Meds you take. I take 4, an hour before sleep, and another 4 if necessary , if I can't sleep for pain. I hope this helps..
I don't have restless legs but I do get a lot of cramps although I take 300 mg of quinine every night. Any ideas?
Hello, I always get restless legs when having Iloprost. I presumed it was something to do with extra blood flowing in my legs. It is very tiresome, but at least it stops when the infusion stops.
I suffer from restless legs as well, and I have found one thing that helps most of the time. If you dangle your legs over the side of the bed for about 2 - 5 mins, this usually stops my problem. I don't want to take any more medication as I am on enough now as it is. This helps probably 99% of the time for me. Hope you get some relief as it is awful.