I have been diagnosed with limited scleroderma 18 months ago my legs are very weak if I try to lift my legs up while lying down they would shake badly does anyone else have this problem
Weak legs: I have been diagnosed with... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Weak legs

hi irishgal duppydoo here and yes i too suffer terribly with my legs they dont shake but pain is awful like you at night too when i try to relax on the sofa at night putting my legs up is worse pain than during the day as my legs hurt continuiously but having said this im still not sure if this is down to sclero or my back as l4 l5 discs in my back have gone . do you suffer back pain too . but i will be asking this question in a couple of weeks time as im due to visit another rheaumy specialist . so i will let you hun as soon as ive seen him ok . heres hoping your day will be better spk soon .
I don't have that but my muscles and joints are stiff and sore all the time. My back often gets very sore. Someone gave me a hand exerciser at Christmas, I have the grip of a 10 year old girl, quite feeble really.
hi peter duppydoo here yep my fingers awful too they get stiffer every day had to take all jewellery off and get cold even in the house thumbs the worst they hurt if i knock them are yours the same hun .
Yes duppydoo I do have back pain i have prolapse disc in lower back also get numbness in the last 3 fingers of both my hands i think it's caused by my raynauds keep dropping things
Hi, yes I have the same problems. Weakness in legs, pain, and does anyone else notice that if you touch different parts of body it feels likes you have bruises? I have appt with rheumatology dept at York next week, lots to discuss, and then another appt 3 weeks later at Chapel Allerton, Leeds. Thank goodness for this site.
I have LS. I was diagnosed with myopathy last year, after doing spark and muscle sample tests on arms and legs in hospital. I was falling over and having difficulty getting up again; baths were a nightmare - I live on my own. They put me on Methotrexate and a mega dose of Prednisolone steroid (60 mg tapering after 2 months > 40 > 20 > 10 and today I'm on 3 mg daily). It solved the problem, and now I can get around fine, go for long walks, get up out of the bath, although generally still a little wobbly and feeble (but perhaps that's my age!). So.... may I suggest you ask your consultant to get an EMG and muscle biopsy done.
Hello Irishgal, I have been diagnosed with Lssc and Raynauds 7 years ago and I have had weak legs for about 3 years. My Ruemy didn't say anything about it just tested the strength by pushing against her hand. My GP checked my Vit B12 level which was normal. It is worse going up slopes and stairs and even worse uphill. I'm not sure if there is any proven research done yet. I found something suggesting taking magnesium , herrings (phosphocreatin ) and adenosine which is a prescribed drug for supraventricular tachycardia SVT. The website was
it is reassuring to know that it is not just me. i don't have the shaking though.
Seen my rheumatologist about my legs and arms he did the usual push against him and pull away from him and said there is evidence of loss of muscle definition is doing blood test chest x-ray and waiting for an mri he didn't say why I needed these done does anyone know why and what is he looking for have to go back in 2 months