I recently got diagnosed with Barretts Oesophagus and have horrid reflux ( persistent cough ) I have read Omeprozole has long term side effects so would prefer to explore a natural route !
Has anyone tried 'Slippery Elm ' to h... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Has anyone tried 'Slippery Elm ' to help reflux symtoms ?

I have had esomeprazole for years, so far no side effects, but when it was bad and I coughed all the time (well nearly all the time) I had an inhaler normally given to asthmatics. It worked.
Who said that "natural" does not have side effects?
Zenabb I am glad you have experienced no side effects with the PPI - I think various meds can have differing reactions with different people - the PPI can react in the following ways
Also if it supresses the acid in the stomach then obviously the food is not digested & broken down as it shold be whilst in the stomach -the food continues its journey through the GI tract without being broken down sufficiently causing other issue - ie. flatulence
Chemicals can be harsh on your insides and the natural remedies obviously are without these artificial components- it's down to personal preference & what other things you are taking I suppose.....
I’ve been on Omeprazole for nine years with no side effects but previous to that I used Aloe Vera gel and found it very effective.