How do I know if I have either or both of the above? can you get both if yes which is the best treatment?
Chillblains or Raynurs: How do I know... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Chillblains or Raynurs
Not sure about Chillblains, but Raynaud's is usually a bit more obvious and 'usually' only effects the extremes of the body, so the toes, fingers, ears, mouth, nose. It isn't 'usually' associated with anywhere else.
The most common symptom of Raynaud's is a distinctive colour change in one or more of the extremes. Perhaps even just one finger. However, numbness or pain is often a good indicator with or without the colour change. Some people think the colour change is necessary, it isn't. With Raynaud's you will probably notice certain triggers, most common is temperature change. Colder changes, even a gust of wind or taking milk out of the fridge can set it off. If this sounds familiar, you will need to have a chat with your doctor.
There is no 'best' treatment. Raynaud's has no known cure. Keeping your extremities warm, regularly washing them with warm (not hot) water and wearing gloves can help reduce the impact. There are also some medications designed to manage some of the symptoms so for instance the colour change.
You need medication to widen your blood vessels to get the blood to your extremities. That is very important and so is dressing warmly in layers and keeping your extremities warm. If your body is not warm the blood rushes away from the extrenities to keep it warm. We have to prevent that as far as possible.
We heal very slowly and need treatment as soon as possible otherwise ulcers get bad and can take ages to heal. I don't know whether you have chilblains or ulcers because of Raynaud's disease. You need to be diagnosed properly and treated.
\this link will take you to the R&S website very useful info :))
See you GP they maybe able to advise -
I have sever Raynauds & CREST - & my chilblains can be a nightmare - I have used all sort s of rememdies the best cream I have found so far is Ahilever - google it & invest in a tube ! Good Luck xxx
sorry I meant Akilhiver cream !! I got mine from Amazon ... it does help