I look like I've got sausage fingers - & toes chilblains are a nightmare :((
Can you help ?Took Nifedipine yesterday & all it did was give me a headache & swell up my digits :(((
I look like I've got sausage fingers - & toes chilblains are a nightmare :((
Can you help ?Took Nifedipine yesterday & all it did was give me a headache & swell up my digits :(((
Keep very well lubricated (use Palmers concentrated shea butter formula, or pawpaw cream off the internet) also reduce your caffeine, i have found this really helps, so i use decaffeinated tea bags etc
Thank you for your advice - I do drink coffee only a mug in the morning should I stop this >?
Try and keep going with the nifedipine. For me the headaches wore off after taking it for a week or so. I did find that when I got warm my hands swelled and I had hot flashes. If you find the side effects too much after a whole, go back to your GP and there are different medications like Amlodipine which I am now using and I'm fine with.
I too stay away from caffeine as it triggers my Raynauds. I check ingredients for soft drinks too. Naturally caffeine free herbal teas are a nice healthier alternative if you don't like decaf.
Kepp warm
Hi & thank you JPhlps - I appreciate your advice - it's all just such a nusiance isnt it ... it's a chilly spell in the Uk at the moment obviously that makes it worse than normal .. Take care yourself xx
I have never accepted offered drugs, as I think they (specifically antidepressant medication) are what triggered my Scleroderma in the first place.
I use cereal and root based coffee substitutes e.g. chicory.
I find AKILWINTER cream from ease4feet really helps Think it's meant primarily for feet but equally effective on hands/fingers. Google it and see what yout think Hope this helps.
Good wishes and good lluck
Hi AliW. I'm sorry to hear you're having such problems. I am not sure what the treatment should be for chilbains apart from the stuff you can buy over the counter to rub on.
I take Nifedipine 20mgs once a day to improve the circulation and find it does help. Go back to your doctor with your findings and perhaps try another medication that works in a similar way and hopefully without the negative side-effects. It's trial and error until you find a treatment that agrees with you so don't give up and don't dispair.
Try to keep warm, eat well and be kind to yourself and work with your doctor. Hope you feel better real soon. If I find any good tips I will let you know.
Good luck!
There are other medications for circulation to help your Raynauds. I have been put on Praxiline for Raynauds and poor peripheral circulaion. I have been on it for a month but have been told that you need to take all medicaions for 3 months to get the full benifit. I am getting benefit from it now and have been on it a month. Balmosa Cream is very good for chilblanes. You can buy it at the chemist or get it on prescription it is not expensive. You would need to wear cotton gloves or similar to avoid getting it in your mouth or eyes as it would sting. I have only used it on my toes but it worked well. Moisturising with Palmers unperfumed Coco butter is good for toes and feet. It is an excellent moisturiser.
I hope you feel better soon.
Best Wishes
PS, Forgot to say Palmers Cocoa Butter is good for hands as wll as feet. I use it all the time. It comes in perfumed or non perfumed.
Best Wishes
Thank you all you lovely thoughtful people taking the time to reply - plenty of good advice there to pursue .. THANK YOU :))
I would be a little concerned at the 'sausage' fingers you describe. Have you had an ANA (antinuclear antibody) blood test to rule out any underlying condition? I assume that you are under the care of a rheumatologist?