Has anyone taken anti-depressants and do you think it makes raynuad's symptoms worse?
does anti - depressants affect Raynau... - Scleroderma & Ray...
does anti - depressants affect Raynaud's?
I take anti-depressants, I don't think it does but not sure. One of the treatments for Raynaud's is an anti-depressant called Fluoxetine. Are you a member of RSA? Their website is quite informative. raynauds.org.uk/raynauds/tr...
The anti-depressant I take is Cymbalta or aka Duloxetine.
do they help you? don't know if this a personal question but how long have you had depression if you don't mind me asking?
Hi, I have Raynauds and Scleroderma etc etc .... My Rheumy put me on Fluoxetine because they are found to help dilate the blood vessels. But, stress is a major element of scleroderma so I suppose its helps to keep the stress levels down as well.
Oh and Flouxetine's other name is Prozac .......
Last winter I tried Prozac(fluoxetine) for my R's. I was pleased with how well it worked as a vasodilator. I just started up again to get thru this winter! I experienced no problems, but some antidepressants do have side effects. Depression often manifests itself physically, and the R's can worsen with any physical or mental stressor
I was on Effexor / Venlafaxine for several years, and I think this is what triggered my Scleroderma / CREST in the first place, so I would not recommend this one to anybody!
I was prescribed Prozac (Fluoxetine) as it has been found to help people with Raynauds - however I have stopped taking it because I started having really bad night sweats. When I last went to the hospital they did not think my medication was causing it but the leaflet with the tablets said that they can cause excessive sweating. I stopped taking them and the night sweats have stopped.