My doctors are researching patients with scleroderma and breast cancer had anyone been diagnosed with both and can you refer me to any articles or any personal experiences anyone has had having both
Scleroderma, severe raynauds in hands... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Scleroderma, severe raynauds in hands, knees, and feet and newly diagnosed with breast cancer

Hi, I have severe Raynaud's in my feet, have never had a breast cancer scan? Sorry can't help you there.
I was diagnosed with limited scleroderma and breast cancer within 6months of the other. this was seven years ago. apart from a detailed discussion with the oncologist concerning radiotherapy treatment, my then rheumatologist was less than helpful ( no longer with him!!) Luckily scarring around the surgery area is the only legacy, otherwise so far so good and the scleroderma is behaving itself.
Are they saying that there is a connection & higher risk of getting cancer - if you have scleroderma either diffuse or limited? thanks am worrying alot.
I have diffuse systemic scleroderma symptomatic since May 2009.
I discovered a breast lump November 2010 which turned out to be cancer and I had a mastectomy and lymph clearance January 2011. I had 4 sessions of FEC chemo and no radiotherapy as it is not recommended with scleroderma.
Prof Denton at Royal Free told me that there is a link with my type of sclero (I have the renal marker) and cancer. It is possible that when the cancer cells were first forming my immune system went into overdrive starting the scleroderma. At that time I was under EXTREME stress and I was drinking too much and started smoking and had a virus of some sort.
PS I now live the life of a nunn minus the chastity bit!