I have the limited form of Scleroderm... - Scleroderma & Ray...
I have the limited form of Scleroderma. I have olive colored skin with small white patches on my arms. Anyone else have this problem?

yep i have white patches on arms and face. hate them!
Yes, I have the limited form of Scleroderma & white patches on my lower arms. I was sent to see a dermatologist a couple of years ago and all she said was to make sure I had strong sun block on when in the sun.
Use factor 50 and/or stay out of the sun (You can get sun block factor 50 cream from your GP if that helps) My white bits stay white where no exposure...but rest getting progressively darker. Apparently it won't fade as a tan would in healthy skin. People tell me I look healthy...tee hee the irony!
I l'm an outdoors person....so I will try the factor 50 cream. People no longer tell me I look healthy now that I have the Scleroderma look, smaller mouth & tight skin...but they just don't understand. I have never met anyone with Scleroderma so it is nice to be amoung those that know what it's like. Thank you for your help
That's a bit far to travel for a coffee!!! I assumed you were in the UK!!!! I wonder if the white patches are anything to do with our condition or from the drugs we are on?!
Yes, too far for coffee...LOL... I am going to my dermatologist soon. I will ask her why we get them. I can tell she doesn't know much about Scleroderma.
Hi i have limited sclerorderma and i also have lots of white patches on my arms all over the lower half of my legs also ,i use a 40 sun screen now .best wishes LYN X
Hi Leann, I also have Limited Scleroderma and have small white patches on my arms and torso. I also have white patches and hyper-pigmentation on my neck which I hate because it's so visible whatever I wear. I have to wear high factor suncream and stay out of the sun or I look too dark - like I've overdone the fake tan!! Gone are the days I spend my holidays relaxing in the sun!! Angela x