On my recent regular visit to the Brompton Hospital, as well as the usual lung function tests, I was given a fitness to fly test. Obviously I failed because I have been told that in future I will require in-flight oxygen (at the rate of 2L/min). I was given a piece of paper with this information and told that this would be enough information for the airline.
I am intending to go to Abu Dhabi next Feburary (my son lives there) and have been researching which airline to use - mainly looking at BA and Etihad Airlines (Abu Dhabi national airline). Both seem to want a MEDIF form to be filled in.
Usually I book my flights on the internet but I suppose, now, I will have to use a travel agent.
Also wondering if my travel insurance will now go sky high,
If anyone else has to use in-flight oxygen please let me know how easy/difficult it is to set up and any advice you can give.