So does this mean i am getting worse? I have reflux, raynaurds, heart issue...when does it stop..pleasse help any advise
I have been on amlodipine for Raynaud... - Scleroderma & Ray...
I have been on amlodipine for Raynauds, doctor changed to cardizem & aspirin due to heart beat increase.

Maybe it was the drug that was causing the increased heartbeat? I wouldn't risk any of these drugs, too many side-effects, and as I keep being told, ther's really nothing that can done for us. Go and see a Herbalist, is my advice.There are remedies for all our symptoms,without the side-effects (short or long-term!!!) x
You could try drinking ginger tea and spicy foods as well as/instead of drugs. Surely only you know if you are getting worse. May well be drug that was causing the increased heartbeat a lot of drugs can affect the heartbeat. Do herbalists know about raynaulds, most probably not I think so watch out for fakes.
A good herbalist will look at you as a whole person, not just treat individual areas, which might in turn, upset other disorders. If it's a registered herbalist they're unlikely to be fraudulant.
I agree with SandraMarie.
I took Nifedipine for over ten years and when I explained to my GP that it was causing heart beat increase he laughed at me and told me I was imagining it! My Osteopath recommended herbal treatments and I now take Ginkgo Biloba (a really good dose of 1000mg per day) and I am feeling tonnes better.
Some pharmacists are very good and have a deep knowledge and understanding of NHS prescribed medication and how they can effect different parts of the body. Or, see a herbalist. You normally find that GPs will prescribe whatever comes up on their database and don't have the knowledge of side effects for individual cases.
I was sick of being fobbed off by NHS and as expensive as it is try and pay private.