I have been really weepy and low lately and find it hard to sleep all I seem to do is cry. Is this to do with are disease or is it just me? I have never been like this but the last 6 weeks I am gettin worse ??
Does anyone suffer from being low and... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Does anyone suffer from being low and really weepy with scleroderma?
You probably are in a period of exhaustion. I have had some in the past. The exhaustion is due to scleroderma. It gets you down but it does not last for ever. Try to accept that you are too tired for the time being and you can't do all you think you should do. You are not a failure. In the past when they did not know much about sceroderma I was referred to a psychiatrist for depression but that was not it. I have often asked if anything can be done about this exhaustion and the answer has always been negative. Of course some of the drugs can make you weepy. I would suggest that you investigate that possibility.
Oh how wonderful to hear of someone else who feels like this. I sometimes wake up and just want to turn over and sleep. I get very weepy and tired, and just want to be left alone. I hope it's the scleroderma or maybe I am just a miserable so and so!! Seriously, just do what your body wants you to do. If you feel as though you want to rest, then do. If you want to cry, then do. Well, that's how I feel about it anyway.
I get weepy and low quite often and have done for a number of years. I was diagnosed with scleroderma over 20 years ago and it has only been in recent years that I found out that feelings of exhaustion and tiredness were linked to scleroderma. I try to balance my life as best as I can by making sure that I get adequate rest, but it's not always possible and some days just a simple five minute walk around the shops can totally wipe me out leaving my joints to ache for days afterwards. I feel it's important to listen to your body as I'm sure it knows when your exhausted long before your mind does.
It can all get on top of you sometimes, and it just isn't due to the tiredness. It is everything, so do not feel alone. And talk to your GP about, I was told that the Scleroderma can cause depression by my Sclero specialist. And I take a low dose of medication and it helps me a lot. I am not advicating taking medication, but I would suggest you speak to your GP and see what they suggest. Often times they have people you can talk to in the practice to help you through the rough times. It is something you can get over but you can't always do it on your own, and talking to someone impartial can help a lot, as you do not need to feel like you are burdening them with another issue on top of all the ones we have. Because even though they dont feel this way about, I know I often feel guilty unloading on my husband and friends. I hope things get better for you soon.