I just wondered what the 'Silver Gloves' were that people are talking about?
What are the 'Silver Gloves' people a... - Scleroderma & Ray...
What are the 'Silver Gloves' people are discussing?

Have a look at raynauds.org.uk/shop?page=s... - Personally I've found they help during and before an attack.
They are thin gloves with a silver thread that reflects the warmth back to you. They do not look silver but they allow you to retain some feeling so you can keep them on when you are looking for some change or even when you are eating. They wash very easily, are not expensive and you can have a few pairs to keep in pockets etc.
The silver gloves from the RSA are meant to retain heat and help stop attacks or perhaps minimise the severity. I always keep loads of pairs in and when it gets cold I always wear my silver gloves under 1 or 2 other sets of gloves. I also train with them at the gym and wear my training gloves over my silver gloves - it really helps when you are touching weights etc. They are inexpensive and a bit of an essential for a raynauds sufferer. I definitely recommend you stock up with some!
Here are some that you can buy as well ($17.99/pair): agloves.com/
I bought a couple of pairs and they just do nothing for me. Even though I heated them up on the radiator first. They only seemed to work for me if my hands were hot when I put them on, then wore mittens over the top. I heard others raving about these but sadly they did not work for me
They're not going to warm your hands up for you, you'll need some hotrocks or littlehotties (handheld iron powder based warmers, the two materials inside react with each other to produce heat, much like a heat pack). The gloves themselves are to minimise heat loss. They're pretty pointless in the middle of an attack. While in the middle of an attack (aka, they haven't prevented it), take them off (if you go numb like me, this could be a problem) and go wash your hands (that's my trick).
The effect they have is preventative only, its one of those things you'll find that you will have to wear all the time for them to prevent attacks. (Much like taking the cursed nifedipene...)
Silver Gloves are produced by TDS Healthcare and are made out of completely natural fibres and have an 8% silver content. If you brought enough I wonder if you can melt them down... *cough*. Anyway, the idea is that the silver reflects infra-red (aka heat) back to its source in a similar principal to the lining of a flask.
I personally recommend them, but if you're going to have them you need to wear them all the time for them to be effective about preventing or even minimising attacks.
They are a waste of money . Don't buy from sruk as they are double the cost . 20 pounds you can buy from amazon same gloves for 9.99