I have recently developed ? eczema on both my eyelids. I have limited scleroderma and wondered if this could be the cause or not. Has anybody else had similar symptoms? It is maybe not related at all.
? eczema on eyelids: I have recently... - Scleroderma & Ray...
? eczema on eyelids
I have limited systemic sclerosis and have recently developed a raised spotty rash around my eyes. I was reviewed in scleroderma clinic a few weeks ago and the SPR thought it may be the start of eczema and asked my GP to review. However, before my GP had chance to give an opinion it had subsided. The rash has since made a reappearance on several occasions and disappeared again as quickly as it appears..I will definitely seek medical advice if I am troubled again in the future by the rash.
My eyelid/eye socket rash thing could be sorta similar. Nasty stuff. I feel for you. I have SLE, MCTD and sicca symptoms (probably sjogrens).
My thing has been flaring up & subsiding for at least 20 yrs (I am 58). It usually starts in skin of outer corners of eyes (red, dry crust, inflammed watering there a bit and very irritating) and, if i let it get worse, goes on to spread like a sort of grainy hives all over the skin of my deep set eye sockets where the tissues swell up with fluid, Sorta drooping into the inside corners of my eyes. It is horrible. When it is not flaring, the eyelid skin into my eye sockets still has a sort of grainy texture.
Back when I first started getting all this bad my gp told me it was " athletes foot of the eyelid" and gave me a steroid cream (daktacort) to dab on it. This ditraits resolve symptoms a bit but also made my skin hurt, so i used it very sparingly and for as short a time (like 2 days) as poss. Very quickly i figured out it helped to stop using even the little bit of eye makeup I wore, and the remover of course. This helped a lot to stop the flares 75% of the time.. Meanwhile the same gp was ignoring all the symptoms that should've got my SLE etc diagnosed. Now I've been diagnosed for a year and am on plaquenil 400mg daily, these eye rash symptoms have reduced a lot. Who knows why! Like you said, maybe not related.....I asked my rheumy about them and she said looks like I need to use lacrilube in my eyes at night: have been now for 10 months and gradually feel as if the eye skin has settled down....who knows....
Hope some help, anyway
thanks for your advice. I have been using a steroid ointment very causiously and seems to be helping.