Recurring choking on saliva anyone? - Scleroderma & Ray...

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Recurring choking on saliva anyone?

-missymoo profile image
10 Replies

Hello everyone

I have limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis, servere Raynauds and GI issues. Thankfully no lung or heart involvement so far 🤞

I suffer reflux and have difficulty swallowing certain stodgy foods such as bread and take Omeprozole daily. My question is, does anyone have coughing, choking fits just from saliva? I’m getting it more frequently and today it happened at work, I literally couldn’t breathe, went into panic mode and just felt like my throat closed in - really scared me and my work colleagues.

Anyone shed any light? Is it all connected?

TIA xx

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-missymoo profile image
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10 Replies
Joan59 profile image

Hi I am like you with some additional issues. I use to have the same issues with bread felt like it wouldn’t go down and chocking on my own saliva this happen to me during the night and was really scary. I was put on Adalat LA for a few years which helped a great deal. The drug is used to treat high blood pressure and Raynauds but can also be used for swallowing difficulty. I had to come off the pill because of other issues but have never gone back to eating bread or anything stodgy good job too as I’ve now been diagnosed with Coeliac disease..

Go see your specialist or GP.

Hope this helps


AJOC4 profile image

Snap! I have exactly the same systemic sclerosis, Reynaulds and GI as you. I get the coughing all day but really bad in the mornings. My rheumatologist told me to take the omeprazole before bed and that really helps reduce the coughing and choking on saliva in the morning. Maybe ask about taking an extra omeprazole during the day or ask for something stronger. I can only pick at meals these days because of swallowing. I find baguettes easier to swallow than soft bread but often plump for plain homemade soup! I take nifedipine for Reynaulds and it does lessen the pain. I take prednisolone for systemic sclerosis and it has definitely taken the pain away from my feet and hands and lessened the stiffness and buildup of collagen all over.

BCTK profile image
BCTK in reply to AJOC4


Was diagnosed with the problems you r experience.... my treatman is a little different from throat is very dry causing cough .. if I keep my mouth and throat moist my symptoms r lessons... I use sugar free gum sugar free lozenges.. Even at nite.... my sjogrens and Raynauds respond to any moisture .... my mouth get so dry that my tongue sticks to my teeth... dry moisture glands malfunction... I thought I too much moisture when it was dry mouth

dry throat dry eyes... my entire body crying out help,.. my first

Symptom I was chocking on bread ... saved by customer..crest showed me autoimmune diseases crossed from one to another disease... connected tissue diseases shows we must treat them all.. CREST should treat all diseases .. stress,hot ..cold, I go into flare....fatigue the worst..listen to your body!!!!! It’s hard!!!! Your drugs I have not taken but taking suggestions next appt with Rhumatology...

BCTK profile image
BCTK in reply to BCTK

Good positive thoughts

linda-l profile image

Try taking kefir ... preferably using the natural grains, rather than store bought, which is processed.

No side effects as it's totally natural and works like a miracle with a host of GI tract problems

Fee66 profile image

Hi I am the same as you and I have the same problem with bread or pizza etc. In fact it’s nice to know I’m not alone. I sometimes loose my voice and need to really cough to release the feeling in my throat then my voice comes back, very strange 😩. Such an array of weird things we seem to have to tolerate.

8whitetoes profile image


I have had the same thing !!!! .....

Absolutely the worst!!!! Feeling !!!! Chocking !!!! (Esophageal spasms) was (IS) my problem ..... After chocking one time TOO many.., Bread became my nemsis ***no more bread***

I'm not sure about y'all ..., But if get the least bit chocked ..., THAT is it !!! NOT hungry ANYMORE.....

I have learned that if I Sleep in a recliner, or Hammock, you can even try. The old simple **2 bricks (placed under the head of your bed) , Elevate it at least 6 inches ....., it places you in a position where *gravity can help* keep acid down ....

(I have **ALOT!!! Less**GI issues) an I make sure not to eat or drink Anything at least 3 hour's before bed....

Ok ..., Now for the PPI'S....

Omgosh!!!! 7 yrs on the freaking things !!!! Twice a day !!! If you read the cautious (they are designed to be used no more than 2 weeks.... THOSE warnings were placed on the package TOO late for me.... (Yes I have polyps) in my stomach now , I swear they cause the stomach ache from HELLO at times) .... PPI'S...,

They Stop Your stomach from producing acid ..., But our GI's truly need it.... And we are all taking Some kinda antidepressant(s).... Both Meds Work on Serotonin production... (Too be honest, I would not be surprised if almost all meds affect the production) .... In the spring of 2018 I went into ***Serotonin Synonyme*** (even though , I gave all my information, about my Systemic Sclerosis, all my medications, Allergies TOO ..., To a DR. (The people we rely on) ........, The Dr added another medication (short term 4weeks only) .... He never heard of Serotonin Synonyme ..... while in the Weird comma like state , I thought I was dreaming or maybe I was imagining it....., But I truly thought I was walking a narrow ledge ...., Step off to the right ..., Die.., step to the left live... I was given Nothing but fluids for 2 days , too flush out all the built up toxins....

Okay.... The Kefir ..... This is something Everyone can order ..., And you can ***make your own Yogurt*** !!!! (But remember , it will not taste like the Cornsurp , sweet grocery store stuff) .... And it has ***Probiotics out the Roof***!!! ..... Here's another simple food ...., Try canning veggies, with Seasalt ... (The original way food was preserved) .....

Very simple , Fresh Veggies , filtered water, Seasalt , (Google for exact directions) ..., But what it does ..., Is The same thing , it's a production of GI **Amazing Friendly bacteria for our GI** and the veggies, fruit, pickles, what ever you love...., Will keep up to 15 mts....

Bless your heart 💞

I hope some of the ideas will be helpful to you, Missymoo 🤗🤗🤗🤗 an anyone looking for an answer....

🕊️🕊️ May The Great CREATOR watch over everyone an keep all safe🕊️🕊️


overnighthearingloss profile image
overnighthearingloss in reply to 8whitetoes

Bread causes choking with me as well. You are not supposed to drink fluids when eating as it reduces the stomach acidity which helps to digest food. But its my safety net as sometimes the food just wont go down without it.

ppis. I weaned myself off of them much to my doctors displeasure. But the list of side effects did not sit comfortably with me.

I also have problems swallowing meat that requires more chewing. I guess its all lack of saliva related.

Grains and milk are difficult to digest by some people who don't have the necessary enzymes in their stomach. But the choking starts way before that.

I find I need to drink a good quantity of WATER daily or the choking on saliva is worse. If I drink other things but not water I suffer.

Btw grains and dairy are mucus producing. I am better without them in my diet at times. I have now got used to various dairy free milks and have found it does help.

-missymoo profile image

Thank you everyone who replied, really helpful 😊

I have my Rheumatologist appointment the week after next so will get advice.

Thank you again x

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