Currently organising my trip to Sri Lanka!
In true teenage style I was 3 weeks ago crying at my doctors because I was feeling dreadful and needing Illoprost (rejected as my hands are not too bad, its just the fatigue bothering me and my hands being sore all the time). Now I have to go and tell them I want them to organise injections for Sri Lanka.
I'm dreading explaining this to my consultant who is a good doctor but seems to have no emotions, the point is I might still feel rough but abroad is going to be warmer and I might never have the chance again!
Persuded my mum to come visit me to chum me to the Clinic appointment. I always normally go by myself,,, but I guess I am not the only one who finds the experience terrifying? I am dreading going since the last time I saw him I had a fantastic burst of hysterial crying (I was more just fustrated and subsequently very embarassed!) Medical professionals can be terrifying when you are on your own!