Thank you everyone for your replies regarding me taking mycophenolate it has really helped. Just one more question has anyone still travelled abroad ? How have you got on ? And any tips on how to protect myself.
Mycophentolate and travel: Thank you... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Mycophentolate and travel

Hello again!
I was a bit worried about this last year when I was prescribed MMF as I fly regularly with work but I haven’t yet (touch wood!) caught anything grotty. (This has involved lots of very busy airport times, packed/sweaty flights, rammed expo halls, busy bars and not much sleep/self care 🤢)
You can take extra precautions by wearing a mask, washing/sanitizing your hands regularly etc but personally, I haven’t done anything differently and have just maintained personal hygiene as normal.
Depending on whether you have previously caught illnesses easily or if you have other conditions alongside SSc, the MMF doesn’t suddenly make you susceptible to every germ out there - try to treat travelling as you normally would but maybe do some of the above to build up the confidence that you’re going to be fine. Also, you could start taking some vitamin supplements/make dietary changes to boost your immune health too.
In terms of travelling to somewhere warm and sunny on holiday, you should have been advised this at the point of prescription, but it is imperative that you wear an SPF30 or SPF50 and avoid laying in the sun as you will now be more susceptible to burning and potentially skin cancer. Walking/playing/swimming in the sun is all fine but actual sun bathing for hours is a no no.
Others on here will have different experiences that will balance out mine but I’d definitely encourage you not to let those little purple pills stop you from living your life. If the anxiety is preventing you from doing nice things like travelling, maybe chat to your consultant or rheumatology nurses so they can help put your mind at ease too. Good luck x
I agree with and support every word you’ve written apart from one thing regarding vitamins and supplements. These can be harmful for some of us with autoimmune diseases. Boosting our already overactive/ hyperactive immune systems can undermine the treatments, such as Mycophenolate, which are designed to suppress the hyperactivity. So I wouldn’t try to boost the immune system unless your rheumatologist recommends a specific supplement due to finding a deficiency eg B12 or Vit D. Very much agree with the rest though especially re SPF 30-50 or higher with sun exposure 😊
Really fair and good advice! My viewpoint is based on what I have been advised to do and what you have said above really highlights how different this condition is for everyone. Thanks for flagging this 😊