I am trying to get medical insurance for a trip to USA - this is the first occasion I have need any since my diagnosis. Unfortunately I have been a little premature and booked and paid for the ticket not thinking it would be this hard but as my sister has been diagnosed with cancer it is important I get over there. Any suggestion? Stumbling blocks seem to be that (1) I am waiting for results of a liver scan as there are indications of hardening of the liver due to the scleroderma (2) The question do you have any circulatory problems immediately sends out a red flag and they then start asking if I have vascular problems - at initial diagnosis I was told the circulation probs related to cappilories not veins. However years ago I had a PE so obviously don't want to risk not getting it right. Any inf would be very very much appreciated as I am at screaming point with frustration,.
Can anyone advise me re insurance tra... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Can anyone advise me re insurance travel?

TRY AVANTI Tel: 01376560800
I have used them twice to the Mediterranean they covered me for Lung Fibrosis/Scleroderma. also high cholesterol. They are the lowest price I could find.
I have Raynauds and Scleroderma which has caused fibrosing alveolitis. My current travel insurance is with ASDA and they are very reasonable. I found it easier to book over the phone rather than the internet because then you can explain things a bit better. You must be honest with the insurers but, because I have only ever been into hospital for planned procedures, eg Iloprost, it hasn't seemed to be a problem. Best of luck and best wishes to your sister.
I have raynauds and sjogrens and multiple brain tumours as a result for which I'm currently having chemotherapy. I arrangedy travel insurance through All Clear 0845 2505253. They were really helpful and altho the insurance wasn't cheap they did agree to cover me for everythiing
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your sister
We use Infinity Insurance Solutions 0845 230 7130 they have even included cover for my Raynauds etc while I go on a weeks holiday to Lapland this Winter!!
Hi, I arranged insurance for my very elderly parents through SAGA for many years and they agreed to increase the excess in an event of a claim for pesific conditions and not load the premium. It worked extremely well and SAGA were brilliant. Good luck to you and your family
Thanks everyone who kindly gave me there insurance companies, as yet it is still unresolved but I am getting there. I think that maybe RaffC' s advise to about weighting the excess might be worth asking about.. One of the issue's has been because I declared Scleroderma and Raynauds, they also draw your attention to everything you need to declare and as I had a pulmonary embolisim many years ago this causes the main difficulty. It is interesting to see how the different companies work with some skirting around the PE to the point of my wondering how confident I could be to know I am insured fully. Anyhow so far Age Concern has come up with £200 (cheaper to take this for a year than a single journey one) and I feel they dealt with me in a knowledgeable and informative manner which gives you confidence. Thanks again.
Thank you all so much. I got there in the end with a small company called 'Ok to Travel' - the lady I spoke to knew all about scleroderma as the customer in front of me had informed her (what a small world). I told them everything {and more} as they ask all about past history and what test results I am waiting for etc etc. Company is based in Cambridge and they were most helpful. Quote was £111. So as the expression goes I am 'well pleased' and my sister is over the moon that I going to visit her very shortly.
Have you not been asked for a Health Certificate for the insurance cover to be considered? I have & I need to speak to my specialist at the end of the month about getting one, but the plan is that I will be travelling abroad a week later. I only hope I manage to get the certificate stating I'm safe to fly etc & get the travel insurance cover in time.
Thanks Angela for your comments. I certainly had never even thought about a Health Certificate but the company I have used were not unduly concerned about the Sclerderma or the Raynauds but it was because I hadn't had results from 2 scans on my liver plus the pulmonary embolism years ago.
I rang my specialist's secretary but no suggestion of getting a Health Certificate nor from my GP. I see my specialist mid October so will query this with him but of course this will be after my holiday.
Having brought my ticket and being geared up to go I wanted it sorted and at £11 I feel I have a result I am happy with.