Hi I have had Raynaud's in my feet and hands for nine years mainly my feet.
My toes turn pure white and dark purple and I suffer chilblains every winter but this is new.
I first noticed it a few months ago after getting out of a hot shower and I thought it was a bruise and it did disappear after a week or two but now it has returned.
It is only on one foot on the outer side and comes and goes. It looks lighter in the photo but is quite dark purple. It doesn't hurt at all which is good I'm guessing.
I have made an appointment to see GP in a few weeks time but am wondering if anyone has any advice before my appointment.
Could this be to do with my Raynaud's and if so would it be located to just one foot as my chilblains are always on both feet ?? 🤔
I am worried it maybe something else not even related to Raynaud's.
If anyone has had this or have this happen with Raynaud's please let me know your thoughts as they are much appreciated 👍 🙂
Best wishes all and many thanks in advance 🙂