dear all lovely members
I’ve posted previously about my ongoing headache (which i only get between 3am and waking ). You may remember I had a sleep study done basically wearing a watch for 2 nights .
It has taken me 5 months to get the results and I even had to write to pals in the end .
Results showed no evidence of any apneas no snoring . But the heart rate changes (especially between 3 and 5am ) recorded were consistent with PLMD (periodic limb movement disorder ) and apparently this can cause headaches according to lung specialist who read report .
My question is surely my husband would know if I was moving around all the time and does anyone else have PLMD ?
My GP didn’t agree with headaches being caused by PLMD 🤦♀️. Neurology cancelled my last appointment due to staff sickness . So here we are no further forward and still blighted every morning with hangover from hell.
Thank you for reading and I did say I would provide an update on sleep study 😊xxx