I’ve posted on here a few times about large areas of calcinosis ( I have diffuse systemic sclerosis) but as it’s a rare side of dSSc I have had very little response regarding others having this . My consultant did say mine (large deposits ) was very bad and hadn’t seen it as bad before which is very concerning for me. If anyone has these large deposits I would really appreciate hearing from them. Just 3 weeks ago I had a large deposit partially removed from my neck leaving a 5” scar down front side of neck ! The ENT surgeon said in his decades of operating, he had never seen this before and was going into the unknown which was rather scary for me. Once op was done he described the mass as ‘putty’ like but was unable to remove it all as it was honeycomb like and said it was too dangerous to ‘dig’ out from the little spaces so operation was more of a debridement.
I have been offered Tofacitinib (not licensed for SSc) to possibly help reduce/stop the calcinosis but very unsure of the side effects as not strong enough evidence of this meds working but after trying other things, this is the next option. Thanks in advance for any help 😊