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Finger infections with secondary raynauds

andy7551 profile image
30 Replies

Hi all,

I've got a skin infection on my finger at the side/base of the nail - the area has swollen up and the skin is very red around it, it has puss coming out etc.

I've now had it for about 10 days and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. I've been bathing it in cooled boiled saltwater several times a day, kept it clean and used antiseptic cream also. The whole finger is now swollen slightly, and stiff at the end joint.

I'm concerned that my poor circulation/damaged capillaries are going to struggle fighting this infection and healing it.

Has anyone in the same situation had this? Did it get better but just take longer, or did it need some treatment?


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andy7551 profile image
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30 Replies
Jacko37 profile image

Hi, I have had them but I would suggest that you see the doctor for antibiotics. Normally with me once the puss comes out it starts to get better.

misslou7 profile image

I’d second the seeing the doctor for antibiotics. My finger suddenly went purple a year ago, which is when my Raynauds etc kicked off. Unfortunately I had a cut that became necrotic. It eventually healed once I was put on medication but I’m left with a dint in my finger and definitely no fingerprint recognition on that finger! Much better to be cautious and seek medical advice.

Mirv profile image

Hi Andy, you may need antibiotics to get it to clear up. I had an ulcer which took ages to clear, despite numerous antibiotics a week at a time. Eventually referred to plastic surgeon as the infection had gone into my bone and they were discussing possible amputation of my finger tip. Consultant was concerned about healing due to Reynauds. Anyway put on a 6 week course of oral antibiotics and luckily that healed it. Do see your doctor rather than hoping it will clear up. Hope all goes well.

andy7551 profile image

Thanks all, yes I wish I had contacted my GP last week, as I will have to wait until Monday morning to contact them now. I hope the rumours of waiting 3-4 weeks for an appointment aren't true.

Midgebite21 profile image

It’s called Paronychia, sounds like you will need antibiotics from the Doctors if it isn’t settling after all this time using saline soaks. It maybe that you have a foreign body ie nail spike or something in there that is prohibiting it from settling down. I’m a podiatrist, we often see this condition in the feet but can also advise on hand issues too so it maybe worth see a podiatrist in your area if you get no joy from the GP. If there is a foreign body just taking antibiotics won’t totally resolve the problem. Hope it resolves soon x

Coldgirl profile image

Hi Andy, sorry you are experiencing this. I would second the advice to visit your GP asap for oral (and possibly topical) antibiotics. I have Raynaud's and suffer from these nail infections almost constantly. Sometimes they settle down with antibiotics but usually the puss starts to move under the nail bed and once that happens it's only a matter of time before the nail starts to degrade and nail loss, starting at the cuticle end, always follows. It's usually my thumb or first two fingers which are affected and sometimes it feels like I've only just started to regrow a nail before another finger starts with an infection. I've never got to the bottom of the cause but I have my first Rheumatologist appointment in a couple of weeks (never seen anyone other than my GP and no official diagnosis as such) so hopefully they will be able to offer some advice. It's amazing how sensitive an exposed nail bed can be! Hope you get on top of your infection before it develops further.

andy7551 profile image
andy7551 in reply to Coldgirl

Hi, that sounds awful, does that happen to you all year round?

I have requested a GP appointment this morning, they got back to me asking for a photo.

It's frustrating as I really look after my hands since my condition started, I know the cuticles on my left hand were all in good condition, and I use gloves for doing even light jobs/cleaning/washing up.

maybe I have been lucky so far, as a year ago I had really swollen fingers to point where the skin looked thickened and around nails and I couldn't see any cuticles, so was worried about nail infections then, but didn't get any.

Also had weird nails due to poor blood supply that dipped low then curved up, which delaminated during the summer and came away in places, totally agree an exposed nail bed is really tender!

I hope you see some improvement with yours.

Coldgirl profile image
Coldgirl in reply to andy7551

Thanks Andy. I hope your GP appointment goes well. I agree, it's so frustrating that these things happen despite taking care of yourself. Yes, the nail loss seems to happen all year round unfortunately despite taking care of skin and keeping hands warm etc. I have now added heavy duty handcream and light cotton gloves worn overnight to my regime and this seems to help the sores and flaking cracked skin I am left with after the swelling caused by the chilblains on my fingers. Not sure it does much to help the nail infections though. Fingers crossed you see some improvement and are put onto an appropriate treatment plan today.

Kakey profile image
Kakey in reply to Coldgirl

I have these all the time too, what you describe is practically identical to what I get. I'd be very interested in what you find out at your rheum appointment, if you don't mind sharing.

Coldgirl profile image
Coldgirl in reply to Kakey

Hi, I'm sorry that you are experiencing the same but on a purely selfish note it's nice to know that I'm not alone in this! I will absolutely share an update once I've seen the rheumatologist on the 24th Jan. Hope you aren't suffering too badly at the moment.

Kakey profile image
Kakey in reply to Coldgirl

thank you so much. Good luck x

Coldgirl profile image
Coldgirl in reply to Kakey


Just to say that after a chat and quick examination the rheumatologist didn't feel that there were any underlying conditions causing my Raynauds and nail loss. He's done a few immunology blood tests anyway (sorry I don't know exactly which tests he's ordered) and I am due to get the results in a follow-up phone call with him in 5 weeks. I'll keep you posted! He did suggest I see a dermatologist for the nail loss but the waiting lists are about 2 years so I'm not convinced I'm going to go down that route. I'll wait to see what the blood tests show first.

Kakey profile image
Kakey in reply to Coldgirl

That's great, I'm sure you're pleased. Good luck for your blood results. Thanks so much for remembering, I appreciate it.

andy7551 profile image
andy7551 in reply to Coldgirl

That's good that they've organised blood tests - if they don't show anything there's also video capillaroscopy/thermology tests they can request. Have you been prescribed anything like Nifedipine to increase blood flow to your hands?

Coldgirl profile image
Coldgirl in reply to andy7551

Hi Andy, thanks for the info on the additional tests, that's good to know. I have tried Nifedipine but I have low BP generally and they just made me feel too woozy so I have stuck with self managing so far (if you know what I mean). I asked about topical applications in order to avoid systemic meds and he had heard of patients using nitrate sprays but had no experience of prescribing them. I'll see what the bloods show and take it from there I guess.

kimbalina profile image

hi Andy

I suffer these infections frequently and also ulcers. There is only one way to heal it, antibiotics. It will not go on its own unfortunately.

If I can’t get an appointment quickly enough I either ring 111 who make me an out of hour’s appointment, quite often with my own GP when I’ve been told there are none! I also attend Urgent Care (A& E) at my local hospital. It is always treated as a priority as the concern is the infection going into soft tissue and bone.

It is very good that the puss is coming out as antibiotics will not work unless the puss is cleared. In the past I had a very bad infection on my fingertip with skin being rock hard and so trapping the puss so I plastered a piece of raw onion over the finger tip. In the morning all of the puss came out and it was as right as rain with the antibiotics.

Sorry about the old wives tale but it worked! I’ve also used onion to extract calcification which I also suffer with.

Hope it clears up quickly, good luck.


Intimeslikethese profile image
Intimeslikethese in reply to kimbalina

is there a certain type onion you use for the calcification

andy7551 profile image
andy7551 in reply to kimbalina

Hi Kimbalina,Thanks for the advice, that does sound concerning.

If I don't hear back from my GP today I think I will head to A&E or Urgent care.

Thanks for the onion tip as well, I may well. need that in the future!

kimbalina profile image
kimbalina in reply to andy7551

you are welcome. I really hope you get some relief quickly. It is miserable having painful fingers which affects every little day to day tasks that we all take for granted.

I know the onion thing sounds a bit bizarre but if you Google it (which I did before trying it) it does tell you that there are drawing benefits. Wishing you well

Ciaran34 profile image

See a doc asap. Get on some strong antibiotics. I’ve lots tips of fingers to similar. A major change in diet is helping prevent future flare ups as are wearing gloves all the time including at night

Monika profile image
Monika in reply to Ciaran34

hi Ciaran, I was just wondering what diet had helped clear this up. Thank you x

andy7551 profile image
andy7551 in reply to Ciaran34

When you say wearing gloves all the time, what sort of gloves? To keep warm, or protective types?

I too changed my diet permanently almost a year ago (I could barely use my forearms/hands at that point, and had other sore joints/fatigue) I eliminated inflammatory foods, most processed food, gluten and dairy. It took a few months but my symptoms did improve significantly- but the real test for me is if I can get through the winter without a return to the bad hand swelling and arm pain.

Ciaran34 profile image
Ciaran34 in reply to andy7551

at night if having an attack I sleep with infared gloves and make sure my core is warm - seems to help me sleep and heal the hands

Ciaran34 profile image

I’m following a diet from a book called goodbye autoimmune disease by dr Goldner - im very skeptical of this kind of stuff but did follow it and within 6-8 weeks the little lesions on the tips of my fingers disappeared and they became less puffy and I’ve had no attacks - idea is to eliminate the foods that inflame the disease and load up on greens, omega 3 and water. Worth a look as I was sick of sore fingers, painful ulcers and infections requiring strong antibiotics

MFC911 profile image

Hi Andy,

My name is Mark, I have systemic sclerosis I’m 62 going on 28 with a knackered body.

I have an infection on my left for finger. Not great as I’m left handed. It’s been there for three months now so put your seatbelt on. My finger is actually ulcerated at the tip, let’s hope your problem doesn’t develop into that. The pain is off the scale. I’m taking 150mg of Sildenafil a day anyway. Have been for years now. To aid the finger in recovery I have GTN patches (10mg) cut into 10mm wide strips taped onto the finger. On the tip, the wound site I put a dressing and use fucidin cream. It is healing but so, so slowly. Given my experience of infection of this type. I would strenuously suggest that you get some patches from your rheumatologist with the utmost haste. You need to keep the circulation going in your finger to get it healing. Also, a course of Clindamycin 150mg antibiotics. I’m on my 4th lot but you need to kill the infection. That said I am on immunosuppressant’s so your need may not be so urgent. Definitely get to the rheumatologist asap.

All the best. Good luck with it. Incidentally, I was taking 60mg of oxycodone every four hours to kill the pain. That is a massive dose so you wouldn’t need anything like that much but I would get some supplies. If the pain starts emanating from the nail bed at the quick then you are going to need the strong stuff. Sorry to say but it’s a real ****er. Again. Good luck. Get it sorted out quickly. Speed is the name of the game. Best. Mark.

andy7551 profile image

My GP has given me a week course of antibiotics (Flucloxacillin 500mg x 4 daily) hopefully that will clear it. Will be making doubly sure I'm always warm to keep the blood flowing well to the fingers.

andy7551 profile image

I had 10 days of antibiotics in the end which I finished a week ago, the swelling started to go down but where the surrounding skin peeled it was so tender and red, I guess in normal people this would of healed over quickly. I'm sure the bacterial infection has gone, but the skin is still slightly swollen and red around the nailbed, no cuticle left to protect it. The lower part of nail is also emerging red/pink underneath, I hope this is nothing.

Doing my best to keep it clean/dry, does this sound familiar to anyone, really slow healing?

Coldgirl profile image

Hi Andy, I think you're right in that the slow healing is linked to a restricted/poor blood supply. It takes months for my fingers to recover from nail infections and any chilblains on which my skin breaks. Hopefully the red you are seeing is just an indication of increased blood flow to the area in order for it to heal. I would continue to monitor and don't hesitate if you think you need another course of antibiotics.

andy7551 profile image
andy7551 in reply to Coldgirl

Thanks coldgirl. I never thought about increased bloodflow for healing, that's probably it . It did seem to be getting better, but then it started to swell again with some puss coming out, my GP called me in this time to have a look, and prescribed 7 days of a different type of antibiotic.

Coldgirl profile image
Coldgirl in reply to andy7551

Sorry that the infection is still going, that's not good. Really hope the new antibiotics knock it on the head.

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