Hello, I want to thank everyone that shared their personal insights replying to my post "ANCA MPO and Systemic sclerosis positive - Sudden ESR 93". Your comments are invaluable and I appreciate every word. Thank you,
This post is focused on ESR. This is copied directly from the Mayo Clinic web site:
"Sed rate, or erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), is a blood test that can reveal inflammatory activity in your body. A sed rate test isn't a stand-alone diagnostic tool, but it can help your doctor diagnose or monitor the progress of an inflammatory disease."
I have researched and cannot find reports regarding a SUDDEN elevation in an ESR when the inflammatory disease is in aggressive treatment with Rituxan infusions, the disease is NOT showing a corresponding increase in blood markers, and the ESR has previously been zero (ESR - 0) for more than a year.
ESR Labs: 07/22 through 09/01/22 - "0"
September 20, 2022 - 4; October 15, 2022 - 65;
November 29, 2022 - 93 markedly elevated ("markedly elevated" is the comment from the lab report)
Has anyone experienced a SUDDEN elevation in their ESR or can refer me to a website for more information?
Thank you.