Hello all,
First time posting…. I have noticed just how incredibly helpful and supportive this community is so figured I would be vulnerable and ask for help.
I have just been diagnosed with overlap autoimmune disease- systemic sclerosis/myositis - symptoms include raynauds, interstitial lung disease, (ILD), thickened fingers with pain and stiffness, achy thighs and upper arms. Positive ANA with nucleolar pattern; PM/SCL autoantibodies and positive rheumatoid factor.
I am utterly overwhelmed and just trying to take it all in.
I am seeking to learn from anyone else that has had a similar start to their autoimmune journey. I have an appointment with my rheumatologist and respiratory specialist this week and wondered are there any questions I should ask - there is just so much to consider and I just don’t know where to start. Sorry my query is not very specific but just hoping for some insight from those of you further along in this journey into the unknown.
Thank you so much for your help in advance