Covid booster and lack of motivation ... - Scleroderma & Ray...

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Covid booster and lack of motivation or just end of year / January blues

Bec-Ray9 profile image
6 Replies

Has anyone else noticed there motivated is lacking over the last month since having a covid booster jab. I didn’t have any side effects other than a dead arm upon having the booster but even with the social events and Christmas festivities to look forward to and enjoy I’ve lost motivation for my usual life enjoyments. My flare ups are tending to linger longer than I’m used to and can sometimes feel more intense.

Just wondering if I’m suffering burnout from another challenging year or if booster effects motivation and raynauds.

Hope you are all having a good start to the new year and enjoyed the festivities as much as possible.

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Bec-Ray9 profile image
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6 Replies
dordle profile image

No long effects from Covid booster, so I'm putting it down to winter blues! Not enough sun.😀

Midgebite21 profile image

Hi, hope your feeling better. I must say I had no issues with the booster (and I had flu jag on the same day so was a little nervous) but I experienced terrible fatigue after both my first and second covid vaccinations. We are all different though so it may have affected you but I feel at this time of year and with short days it can make us lacklustre and exhausted when we feel we should be bouncing around full of merriment. Take care of yourself and hopefully you will be back to your usual self soon xx

Sophiebun11 profile image

Hi Bec-Ray9,

Good timing on your question. I just had my booster on Monday. My arm was so bad this time I couldn't move it 2" from my body and it was killing me. Then around six hours later I felt nausea and so tired. By 10PM I had a fever of 101.4 and I could barely make it to the bathroom. My legs, joints, bones and muscles hurt so badly I could hardly stand and walk. I had to hang onto things like the wall, chairs, door knobs to get 20 feet to the bathroom.

Yesterday my lower back (degenerative disk disease) was locked up but my fever broke. This morning I had a bloody nose for 2 hours but at least it cleared my sinuses that were blocked since Monday like a cold.

I am on Prednisone currently, but wasn't on it for the first 2 vaccines. This booster kicked my butt, and put me into a flare for sure.

This is day 3, no fever, nausea and diarrhea have stopped, but the back is killing me and my other joints and muscles like a usual flare are acting up.

My kitty Henry has been such a sweet little nurse maid.

I am still spending most of the day in bed. I just wanted to check emails.

I think the holidays probably did hit you with a flare. I spent a quiet holiday so that didn't contribute to it for me.

Bkart profile image
Bkart in reply to Sophiebun11

Hi Sophiebun11,

Sorry to hear you have been so ill after your booster, my husband was very ill for well over a week after his first vaccination and he has no health problems, so must have been awful for you, hope your feeling a lot better now.

I have just been really exhausted after just the effort of

wrapping my presents etc, left it till Christmas Eve so what can you expect, silly me!

It’s amazing how loving cats can be, I had a heart attack

over twenty years ago and my then kitty ‘Teddy’ never left my side when I came home from hospital. Henry sounds to be a very special kitty friend to you. Our pets

mean the world to us don’t they.

I have been so lucky to have been able to meet up with

another lady who posts on this forum, discovered we lived not too far from each other. She was so kind and

really listened and gave me so much information and

positive encouragement. This has really helped me.

I’m seeing my Scleroderma Specialist tomorrow for my second consultation. Whilst I didn’t get a diagnosis last

time (I was ANA etc., negative) she mentioned in her report to my GP about ‘it’ stabilising. Whatever she thought ‘it’ was, hasn’t, it’s got much much worse and to my mind the symptoms of Systemic Sclerosis, but she is the expert so will find out tomorrow, hopefully.

After speaking to my other Scleroderma friend I have

managed to stay quite calm but must admit I am feeling

quite anxious today. Just hoping that I can get some treatment that will help these dreadful symptoms.

My best wishes to everyone on this site and in this New Year hope that you all get the help, love and support

that you need and deserve.

P.S. I had a telephone consultation yesterday with my

Respiratory Consultant, whilst he was quite pleasant, the line was not very good, I had Skye tv engineers in and out of the rooms and my little dogs kicking off in the background because they had been caged for quite a while. I was quite stressed and the call was not very

productive, I think this has really dented my confidence

for tomorrow! Does any one else hate telephone consultations, much preferring face to face?

Sophiebun11 profile image
Sophiebun11 in reply to Bkart

I don't have Skype or Zoom. but I'm having my very first Telephone Appt. tomorrow with my Nephrologist tomorrow. It's one thing putting on clothes and brushing your hair to go to the appt. but with Skype or Zoom don't you also have to clean up your house? OMG too much effort!!

My Dr. here aren't doing in person due to Omicron.

I'm sorry you're discouraged. You may get put into the toss all diagnosis Connective Tissue Disorder which is a mix of Sclero/Lupus/ and other stuff but they don't really know what you have. I was in that category for a bit.

Since they can't cure any of them and only treat the symptoms I guess the name isn't as important with Autoimmune.

I can just imagine the chaos with the tech. and the dogs and the appt. plus not feeling well. When do we ever get that "do nothing, take it easy day"?

Our pets are the best. They just know when we need them and give us all their attention.

Wishing you the best.

do nothing day
Bkart profile image
Bkart in reply to Sophiebun11

Hi Sphophiebun11,

Thanks for your kind words and encouragement, I’m so stressed today, which is not like me but a lot riding on this appointment. Just position your chair where you have nothing that’s compromising behind you. The only zoom I have ever done was with my Neurologist on my phone, so it wasn’t wide angled. You def don’t need to spring clean, though! 😂🥴🙈 good luck with your appointment and thanks for the Kitty smile, cheered me up! 😂😂

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