Frankincense oil applied to my hands about three times daily, has been very helpful in stopping Raynaud's attacks. It relaxes the blood vessels, thereby allowing more blood flow to my hands. It is expensive, but worth it considering the benefits. Research demonstrates that Frankincense oil applied to the joints helps treat arthritis. I still take 500 mgs of Niacin twice a day and limit caffeine intake.
Frankincense oil helps: Frankincense... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Frankincense oil helps
Hi, do you dilute frankincense oil with a carrier oil? If so how much?
Hi foxglove, I usually put Vitamin e oil on my hands prior to applying the Frankincense oil. Sonetines apply a little plain lotion or olive oil first, however, I carry Frankincense oil in my purse and apply it at work after I wash my hands. I put enough on to coat my hands, especially the fingers that are effected the most. I buy Frankincense oil at the Vitamin Shoppe, it is their brand and costs about $30.00 a bottle. I bought it when it was on sale, buy one, get one half price, so I bought four bottles in late August. It should last me through January. I am going to buy some more soon because it seems to help with arthritis, too. Do you have the Vitamin Shoppe there, too? I hope this info is helpful.

Thanks very helpful, I have "Unearthed" some frankincense oil I bought yonks ago and am thinking about putting a drop or two in my bath Can't remember where I bought it (Baldwin's on line?) but I do remember it was pricey Good tip about coating hands and affected fingers - I'll try that. I also have some almond oil so I'll do a mix. Anything's worth a try, esp. when docs don't seem to be concerned. We don't have a Vitamin Shoppe but I'll see if they have a web page
Thanks for that. We always have some frankincense oil about. I think I will give it a go.
Any hints about how it may interact with digital ulcers?
I would be careful if you have an open ulcer on your finger. You might want to try rubbing the oil on the areas where your skin integrity hasn't been compromised. Or put antibiotic ointment on the ulcered area. I think that as long as the frankincense oil is on most of your hand, it will help. Once the ulcers are scabbed over, you can put the frankincense oil on your entire hand.