Has anyone used Hemp oil/ Cbd oil to manage inflammation and pain from limited systemic sclerosis? I am so tired of filling my body with synthetic drugs that don’t work!
Limited Sclerosis and Hemp oil - Scleroderma & Ray...
Limited Sclerosis and Hemp oil

I have heard many say hemp oil is the best cure, they said they can't take it when they drive. I'm an old pot head from the 70's as I remember talking with my friends back then thinking what will we be like when we get older, I'm 57 and haven't gotten high or drank since 2003. I guess I finally lived long enough to be responsible
Haha I’m 56 so I remember those days! I was just diagnosed with all this crap a year ago, and although it hasn’t really been severe, it has definitely impacted my life negatively . The Rheumys are so ready to load you up with synthetic drugs that even they don’t know a lot about, opioids and NSAIDs for pain and inflammation, and then freak you out about your elevated liver enzymes! Well, duh ..... I’m not totally against conventional medicine, but I’m willing to try more natural, integrative medication too, something that just won’t put a band aid on The underlying problems. Hemp and Cbd oils don’t have the THC in them like the weed that got us stoned in the 70’s, only the benefit of the oils extracted from the seeds . I live in Idaho in the USA , pure Cbd oil is not legal here in my state , but I can get the hemp oil...God forbid I don’t want to munch on OxyContin.. that would be perfectly legal! I’m not planning on going cold turkey off my meds ( Celebrex and plaquenil) that would be stupid. But I’d sure love to be able to cut back on the dosages and God willing stop them all some day! I truly believe that diet is a big factor too, I’m still working on that.. I’ve ordered my first batch of the hemp oil, wish me luck, I’ll keep you posted!
Praise Jesus, I believe God created everything on this earth that we needed in helping us with all that ails us. But most people abuse them as I know I did when I was younger, I'm sad that your having so many issues. We thought we were invincible and that nothing would get us down, but here we are falling apart at our late 50's stage. I'm Ken from Citrus Heights, CA USA . Can I pray for you in hopes the Lord will heal you from these spirit of infirmities like in Luke 13:11 in the holy bible
Thank you Ken, yes! I believe in the power of prayer.. the power of the Holy Spirit trumps everything.... And this too shall pass, keep the faith
Awesome, Lord Jesus I lift up my new friend in Christ. And pray healing over them and Lord Jesus rebuke any demonic harassment and or spirit of infirmity over them, we are human and need You Lord daily. Strengthen both of us because the devil is continuously is on the hunt seeking whom he may devour, we give You Lord Jesus all praise and glory. This day and everyday forever in Jesus, amen