I was diagnosed with scleroderma almost 5 years ago. The worst symptom I have is the pain in my feet when walking. I have tried lots of different treatments including a fat transfer which I appreciate needs more than one procedure before it is fully effective so I will have it done again some time in the future. However, I have been on holiday in a Goa for almost a month and yesterday I walked 10 miles, around 22,000 steps. OK, my feet were a hung but I am sure most people's would be after walking that distance but I did it
I am not sure why I have had such an amazing relief to the pain. I am sure the hot weather is a factor, maybe the healthy fresh organic food, no work stress, fantastic massages, yoga classes, although I do yoga at home but there is nothing like doing it here in the cool morning air with the sound of the waves crashing on the beach. Or could it be the for of Old Monk Indian rum we have been having every evening as we watch the sun set over the ocean. Whatever it us I wish I could bottle it and take it home.
Before I came away I was having problems with low blood pressure. My doctor said it wad due to the nefedipine I take for raynauds and suggested I lower the dose. I did but the Raynauds got eirsr. Since I have been here in India I have been taking the lower dose and have not had a single restaura attack. It is just so relaxing here.