Raynaurds Back Body and organs possib... - Scleroderma & Ray...

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Raynaurds Back Body and organs possibly for me ? I am a new soul hear not a young one. I support broken back broken ribs enthusiasm rules

7 Replies

I have recently been diagnosed with Raynaurds Phenomenon to my complete surprise. As I went to Doctor about very painful thumbs. Doctor saw something i had not, and cold hand went to Arthritics consultant he diagnosed Raynaurds, Osteoarthritis, and carpel tunnel, thought life was feel difficult, I am a carpenter. Prescribed Nifedipine 10mg. what a result. it dose not cure or control symptoms it certainly stops them running rampant, and the white bits on my toes disappeared had no idea they were connected to anything but age. Last thing Consultant said was warm your glove up before wearing them ok. The gloves did not seem to matter it was putting a cold coat or jacket on bad result.

I think i may be a naturally analytical person my type of word blindness means i naturally break things down into small bit to seek understanding and store information. The freezer section in supermarket i now realize is very detrimental. especially on a hot day, learning curve. hey look at you badly wearing thermal coat on hot day. Hind sight thinking of motor full of different clothes that would collect for work, jacket collection light, medium light medium, medium heavy, or double up. impressive how the body works in the subconscious to protect its self, from an over reaction to protect its self.

So my Raynaurds seems mostly triggered by the big flank muscles in my back with the first symptoms a tickle in back my throat, followed by breathlessness and can seriously affect my ability to think clearly. It can be triggered by sitting forward on a warm couch and cool air hitting my back. The aftereffect of a hot bath and cool air can be devastating perhaps sleep for 8 /12 hours middle of the day waking up quite confused. It is still early days yet and seeing consultant in again in 2 months. He may tell me i am mad, I have discovered that the cardio vessels in organs are tightest clumped in the Heart Lungs and Brain Dose any of this make any sense to anyone else out ther

Peace and Tranquility To all Max x

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7 Replies
GGhere profile image

Hello Max, sorry to hear you are having such problems. I have Raynauds too and it is a strange disease. I hate the cold part in the supermarket when buying meat etc. By the time I get to the checkout I can't manage to use my purse and sort out the money. I think everyone's experience of the disease is different - what suits one doesn't suit another. Keep as well as you can. Now that you know what your problem is you will be able to manage it better. Good luck.

in reply to GGhere

Hi ya Betsie

Thanks for input knowledge is power so true and it seems to be he understanding of the differences with or without medication that i found empowering as for controlling the effect that so involved it seems, Something that i would like to share is that the year before i knew there was a problem i bought a freezer boiler suit, intended for working in cold stores and freezers very low temperatures, as i was feeling the cold, this was with work in mind being an out door carpenter mostly. I found this great at home, I think i know why the Raynaurds, it almost matters not were one goes when wearing this suit as it maintains the inner temperature, no sudden changes, it has very effective adjustable ventilation, I never got around to wearing it at work, it was a deal offer on Ebay and life enabling I would recommend to everyone, try one if you can.

Peace and tranquility to all

p.s. from reading on hear i regard myself as lucky with my symptoms, God bless to all


Sanmateogirl107 profile image


Hi Lock your post.

Try Ginger and Cayenne pepper in your food.

I get hit in the back cold catches me there and straight into lungs etc and chilled cold right through if don't sort it out end up ill.

Have a headache with temps as Fibro makes your body thermostat "Wonky" as hot all the time can just cook if go anywhere warm! can be out everyone wrapped up like on antartic!

Yet i'l be in T shirt.

Being Autistic(Asperger's)Means don't process the cold either as can be freezing changing colour but feel ok.

With Raynauds get a chill then all falls flat on it's face like with slight gap in door cold air then no matter how many coats etc on freezing.

in reply to

HI oscarbravo That must make life very complicated, blimey its like not feeling anything while knowing everything

Be mello maxV

Fennella02 profile image

You sound very similar to what I have been experiencing. My secondary raynauds is pretty mild in that my feet are barely affected but I do get white/blue fingers etc. You describe your ribs as getting hit first and I concur with that - chest with cough and breathlessness, hips, thighs, knees and shoulders. Terrible headache and then crippling exhaustion and inability to function mentally. So severe that I’m actually scared of the next time. Do you shiver? I barely do during these severe bouts. I have a widespread slight tremor then BAM, the whole body goes into lock down.

I’m not sure that I’ve helped you by letting you know that I get the same, have I?



Thanks for the reply Its more down flanks of my back than than ribs but kind of the same.

My feet get white bits, my hands just seemed to hurt, also get split skin around the nails that hangs around have had the odd unexpected headache not often. The inability to function physical i find annoying, mentally not functioning is a scary thing that i have fear of well related it is a difficult moment when on the phone about something important so bit of stress and you cant remember what you just said or any kind of recall ability so confusing. I have found the pills nifedipine work wonders but you have to mentally remain calm as well.

So many other thoughts about moments that can trigger the spasm even sitting on couch lovely warm back then lean forward feel the air rush on my back tickle in the throat, warning signs to put body warmer on or something think i can catch spasm with help of the pills, But after a hot bath have to be so careful.

Fear is Real and Sent to Protect

Peace and tranquility to you Max xx

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