Every time I go for a check up one of the questions I am asked is do you have any trouble swallowing. Until recently the answer was always no but a few weeks ago I started having trouble. It is hard to describe the feeling. It doesn't happen all the time and doesn't seem to be connected to any particular food. Suddenly I feel as if I can't swallow food and if I do I get a really uncomfortable feeling just past my throat. It is really quite painful Although I still feel hungry I also feel full, very strange. Also sometimes I feel as if I can't swallow even when not eating.
Eating: Every time I go for a check up... - Scleroderma & Ray...

Hi sorry your having these problems. I was like that even had trouble swilling my own saliva and choking was bad. They put me on Adalat LA which worked a treat. Go back to your doc or specialist at the hospital.
Hope this helps you.
Best wishes
Thank you. I will make appointment and mention the Adele. I have just had an issue at work whilst waiting a sandwich. I can't go on like this.
I have just googled Adalat la and it seems it is nefedipine which I already take. Funnily enough when I went go pick up my prescription yesterday I was told there is a shortage. I am waiting for doctor to get in touch with an alternative
Yes it is but it is also within the nifedipine family. I couldn’t take nifedipine because it gave me horrific headaches but Adalat LA didn’t. Go figure eh.
Hi sorry to hear about your symptoms. I have similar problems with oesophageal weakness which feels like the food is stuck halfway down. I sometimes have to vomit it up as it's so painful. Strangely yoghurt and smooth foods cause it more than some firmer foods, and rice is really hard. I take ptoton pump inhibitors, lanzoprazole, which have helped a lot with reflux and heartburn and have eased the sticking of food. Bread also causes the problems. Good luck!!!
Yes I can't believe how painful it is. Usually not for long. Very random wbat causes it but I have noticed bread is not good. I have an appointment with GP next week. I have my annual check at Royal Free next month so will mention it there too. I was offered omiprazoke as a preventative medication when I was first diagnosed with scleroderma but had no symptoms then and wad given a lot of other medications for various things do I refused it. Maybe I shouldn't have.
Zantac before bedtime helps to reduce stomach acid that may be causing your swallowing problem. Ask doctor if you may try that. Sip on water throughout day. Avoid sugared drinks, tomato sauce, fatty meats, fried foods for right now. I also chew 2 Digestive Advantage Probiotic (not prebiotic) gummies daily. Hopefully, it gets better soon.
mint tea is good for digestion, tumerick and pepper, blend food that is hard with bone broth lots of protein add a little sale for taste. boost, premier protein hope that helps frozen fruit in the blender make smoothies. bananas, tuna, soft foods i choke constantly. julie