Having problems eating starts off all right but then food gets lodged in my chest I get hiccups and pain , I have to be sick to get rid of the blockage ,it is not food that comes up but a frothy sticky clear mass then I am ok. I have raynauds,limited scleraderma and sjogrens. Any idea what this is?
problem eating: Having problems eating... - Scleroderma & Ray...
problem eating

I have only been diagnosed with Scleroderma this year so am still developing symptoms. I have had problems eating certain foods (bread) or eating quickly (on the hoof!) for several years though. The pain and the hiccups are an embarrassment to say the least. I have learnt to eat slowly, take eating rests etc but must always have a drink to hand. I can no longer eat big meals - little and often and avoid sandwiches. I am learning as I go along and always note what others have experienced, and dealt with, in this forum (never Google).
I too have the problem of food getting stuck, after being at a wedding earlier on in the year, about 2 hours after we finished our meal i took hiccups on way home and had to stop the car to b sick twice! It is a horrible feeling and also breathlessness. I was also a wedding guest yesterday, took it easy with my food, didnt have a dessert, which looked delicious, had that feeling again on way home, ie food getting stuck, took hiccups but fortunately wasnt sick this time. Saw my ENT consultant during the week and he has suggested an "oesophagael dilation" after Christmas. Not looking forward to this at all. I have a couple of staff Christmas meals to attend and I have just ordered soup and a roll for my meal, while every1 else will b tucking in2 turkey n ham or roast dinner. Learning every day i just cant eat whatever i would like or i suffer the consequences. Hope this procedure of dilation will help somewhat!! Wonder if any1 on here has had this done n how it has went!!
Hi I've had Scleroderma for the last 16 years and I've had swallowing problems for the last 10 I find things like bread potatoes anything starchyth and cakes and things do get stuck so I just stopped eating them. I used to miss them at first but not any more because it's not worth the pain. Be careful with Jucie fruits because when you bite into then the juice can squirt and cause you to cough and aspirate (possibly enter your lungs) so watch this. All the best.
I have the exact same symptoms and have had it for years. It is my scleroderma. I always eat things with plenty of gravy or/ a drink. Recently my swallowing and larynx were investigated by the ENT department. The told me that when I cough a lot and choke I have to sniff (breath in through my nose, hold it for three seconds and exhale through my mouth slowly. It works.
It's an extreme symptom of reflux! Are you on any meds? I find that since I have been on esomeprazole, and occasionally use domperidone that I rarely have this. Also avoid eating at least two hours before you go to bed.
I have just had my omeprazole increased from 20mg to 40mg so I hope this will improve my condition.
It's clear that a lot of us have these GI problems along similar lines and that we kind of learn to 'manage' it. I am driven mad by the way my whole tummy blows up like a melon for reasons I really don't understand. I too, tak 40mg of esomeprazole and that is better than the previous 20mg in terms of controlling GORD but I, just like others, must eat very, very carefully, in small amounts, and may still be very sick just afterwards.