half way throught she stooped the class to check on me due to the pure reddness of my whole body and i was sweating like there was no tomorrow.. but i wasnt out of breath and was really enjoying shaking my bum for an hour... was fab.. apart from looking like a beetroot and a tab!!! Does anyone else get this while exercising and is there much we can do!!! Plus the instructor has asked me to come to the front but im worried as peeps move away from me .. plus a few give you funny looks..
Does anyone get this.. red all over a... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Does anyone get this.. red all over and real bad sweats from exercise? I went to an exercise class called zumbia with my daughter..

I have CREST and I always sweat like mad when I exercise - my t-shirt is always ringing wet after my CV work and I change into a dry t-shirt to keep me warm before I do my weights. I've posted previously that I think our bodies tend to act to extremes - in the cold our hands, feet etc shut down and in the warm we overheat and sweat a lot. Enjoy the zumba - as long as you are enjoying it then don't worry about anyone else. You could take a towel and maybe change your top mid-way through. And have lots of water too!
yes I agree with you both I find that exercise though we sweat and go red it helps to releive in away something that I have all the time now you just have to be positive and supporting to others and I wish there was a group in Essex . I found zumba to intense after my hysterectomy but can manage with the gym and jazzersize try this it is fun toox
i go bright red and have severe sweats ,i warn people before i t happens now .it can happen to me when im resting as well got no control of it at all .i get off the bus when it happens i am so embarresed and seem to panich a bit if im not able to cool myself down .so i get off and fet the bus behind .i also find vigorous exercise to much so i go swimming .
Yes I look like i'm sunburnt and was diagnosed with Erythromelalgia.The gp kept telling me it was hot flashes I knew it wasn't.I thought I was going nuts till I found a websight on EM then I called them and said this is what I have and then it was confermed.And boy do I sweat too.
thanks everyone for youe replies... god does my body ache after going to that... i think i will give zumba again but if i end up hurting like this again i might not go .. i was thinking about swimming as i love it... just need to find a swimming poole that is heated.. im sure going in the swimming poole with a full body wet suit on isn t going to look good...
crazygrandma ... what is erythromelalgia ?? I find it really hard as one minute im freezing cold .. and then have a hott flush and im sweating everywhere then i have another attack due to the sweat...
basically it is a form of raynaulds but triggered of by heat I get if room is stuffy and no air people like to say claustrophobic but i know it is not as I still go on buses etc i try to not let this hell defeat me not easy your hands go red and swell and it is like being on fire some people have one or the other others have both . know that feeling too well I hate it too.