I started on Nephedipine 30mg. It did not work. My dosage was increased to 60mg. This amount worked a little. I was then increased to 90mg. and this worked great! However, my gastroparesis symptoms returned...nauseous in morning and increased bloating throughout the day. I am now back on 60mg. and am taking it at night. I hope I do not have to chose between Raynaulds or G.I. symptoms. Does anyone have experience with this issue?
Nifedipine and Gastroparosis - Scleroderma & Ray...
Nifedipine and Gastroparosis
I forgot to say it was extended release Nephedipine.
I take varying doses of nifedipine as the weather changes from 60 twice a day to 30 once a day to none in the heat of summer. I have gastric issues that just hit this year. My doc put me on prescription Prilosec which I take first thing in the AM. They taught me you take it then eat 30 minutes later to activate it. I also do have some swelling in my legs and feet so I take the lowest dose of the nifedipine I can get by with but if I am going to only do one dose a day I do it in the AM when I am out and about and more likely to have raynauds attack’s rather then at night when I am warm in my bed.
Hi. I am going to start the nepheipine again because my G.I. issues were still present when not taking Nephedipine. Also..my Raynauld's symptoms returned with a vengence!
I've just been prescribed Metochlopromide for my gastric issues which have been severe. I don't take nifedipine as it makes me want to pass out. I don't take anything for the raynauds but have sildenafil if I need it.