Hello everybody, I hope you are all as well as you can be, and you enjoyed Christmas. Well it"s that time of the year again, where we can say with courage that we got through another year, we may have had some not so good days, but we overcame them, we may have been prescribed additional medication, had more tests and treatments, but we persevered. Scleroderma and it"s brother Ray nauds, and other relatives, Sjorgens etc, maybe unwelcome but we didn"t let them overcome us. So we face another year, we will not let this condition wear us down, and when it seems it may be succeeding, we will fight back with every ounce of strength we have, (and the medication haha). I start the year with a hospital appt this Thursdsay, the first of many, but I shall NOT let Scleroderma be who I am. I shall take this opportunity, to wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR, and send you positive thoughts and remember SMILE AND WAVE FOLKS, SMILE AND WAVE, xxx
New Year!: Hello everybody, I hope you... - Scleroderma & Ray...
New Year!
Hi fairy56, Such lovely kind wishes to all. I hope your next year will be full of all the wonderful things that you wish others. With love,
Hi fairy56. Everything you say is true you have such a good way of saying so. Am sitting herein my flat over looking the sea watching a most beautiful red sunrise.what a lovely start to 2019.
Keep smiling and waving xxxx
Happy New Year ! thanks for the greetings and above all the encouragement.All the best for 2019.
Happy New Year! I am new on here, uncle was recently diagnosed with Scleroderma it’s hurt his lungs I am trying to learn about this disease so I can help him understand it. My hope is to help him and give him hope for this year. Currently he is on prednisone and tomorrow is starting mycophenolic (sp) he is nervous. Seen a specialty at UCSF San Francisco and he gave us hope we thought he needed a lung transplant but said he believes what was thought to be scarring is inflammation. My goal is to continue to learn about scleroderma. Any advise is welcome