Hi everyone,
I'm new to all this so bear with me! I've recently been diagnosed with Raynaud's although I had lots of other symptoms at the moment too (which I may pick your brains about later too!). I've had many blood tests which have so far ruled out lots of things, so much so that my rheumatologist has said to just monitor things and only ask to come back to him if I develop further symptoms etc. My nail fold studies have also been given the all clear.
However, I'm really puzzled about how my hands (and feet sometimes) react. As expected they get very very cold and white, although this can happen even when I'm in a 25 degrees room, in fact my hands, and the rest of me is pretty cold most of the time. Sometimes they'll go very red and warm with an increase n temperature, however it happens really quickly if I eat something. I figured it was simply from the warmth of food warming my body, but they can suddenly go bright red and burn even just eating a biscuit! I've had diabetes already ruled out by the doctors too.
Can anyone else relate to this at all?