Just spent a week in Norway skiing ( or trying to) and had no attacks of Raynauds yet as soon as I was back in the UK - it started. It must be the dry air but was blissful. warm ski jacket and ski gloves helped but didn't even wear thermals. It really made the holiday for me.
-6C in Norway but no Raynauds?! - Scleroderma & Ray...
-6C in Norway but no Raynauds?!

Maybe your circulation worked more efficiently on holiday because you were enjoying yourself, adrenaline pumping with excitement and being active?
I've had a really bad year for Raynauds and for me it's a mix of stress of being rather nomadic (moving house several times) and being on a new medication, Mycophenolate. I also think it's temperature changes rather than colder temperatures, that bring on mine e.g. central heating or warm car to slightly cooler temperature outside or going from being still in a room with low level heating to a very warm bath. Sometimes I get Raynauds attacks even on summer days when there's a sudden chill in the air following intense heat. This is all very new to me so I'm always looking for triggers so I can avoid them and this is what I've noticed for myself anyway.
Pleased for you. I would love to go skiing again but never thought it possible. But perhaps it is. My raynauds comes on with changes in temperature even in summer. I find wind chill and damp weather the worst so maybe dry cold and not too windy is manageable.
Yes, sometimes if I am bundled up and exercising the RP doesn't activate, but I can be at home on a slightly cool day and suddenly get chilled to the bone and the RP kicks in like crazy. It has changed over 4 years from occurring when my hands get cold to occurring also if all of me gets cold. And HURRAY for you having a good time!
I tried to go to a ski resort with friends this winter. Was well bundled so no RP but I hadn't realized how the high altitude would greatly impact my breathing. My dyspnea was wicked bad. Staying off those mountains from now on!
I agree with the earlier comments. For me too it is a change in temperature that is the trigger. If I keep active whilst skiing i am fine. Just back from a week's trip with only one attack whilst waiting around on a cold morning .