I recently had a week or so when I had a slight pain and definite tenderness in the soft tissue 'beneath' most of my fingertips - it felt as if it was about 1/4" deep anda the surface felt no different. There was no obvious colour change and it has gone away now. I mentioned it to my rheumy at my last appointment and she didn't really make much of it (probably didn't know what to say). I do get what look like corns on the ends of my fingers which also get sore - just v small areas where there are extra layers of skin on top of the 'main skin' after a while when I have softened it I can literally tease the surplus layers off and it is no longer tender. I have one finger that has a chronic digital ulcer which spits a bit of calcinosis out every now and then but this was on different fingers. I'm on sildenafil and mycophenolate. I work out of doors and inevitably despite my best efforts with assorted gloves, there are times when my fingers do get cold. I do use my finger tips to 'grab' things a lot and pick things up but always have gloves on. Luckily I am usually able to get into a warm environment and I am a lot more proactive about this than I used to be when I 'only' had Raynauds before I was diagnosed with Limited SSc.
Has anyone experienced this? I've not come across any other descriptions of this 'deeper' pain which has now disappeared. As I said to my rheumy, I just hope it doesn't mean I'm going to get calcinosis on all those fingers at a later date!