I have Raynaud's and am taking25 mg Amitriptyline for shingles after pain (PHN ). Seems to be conflicting opinions as to whether AMI. affects peripheral circulation, does anyone know anything regarding this ?
Amitriptyline: I have Raynaud's and am... - Scleroderma & Ray...

Don't know the answer to your question foxglove but just be careful with these, very difficult to get off them , terrible withdrawal symptoms ☹️
I'm on 10mg a night for the rest of my life. I suffer from severe spasms and only thing that helps me. I hate taking them as they give me bad heart palpitations and make me very tired all the time. Also my heart rate is much faster. Sorry I don't know how it affects peripheral circulation. My mum takes them for her neck with no side effects
Thanks for reply and info. If it speeds up heart probably affects circulation, I don't find they make me tired apart from being sort of "slowed down" in morning. Not a bad thing for me as I tend to be on the impatient side .
Have googled effects and as usual lots of mixed messages !!!
I was on 10mg Amitriptyline for a short period due to severe neuropathy in my foot that was preventing me sleeping. My GP is fully aware of my Raynauds and did not mention any possible issues when he explained what he as prescribing and why and I am sure he would have done. As soon as the pain reduced I stopped taking them, didn't have any side effects but wanted to stop as soon as I could. As with many meds there is a list of potential side effects as long as your arm but not really specific to peripheral circulation.
Very grateful for your reassuring reply, I was really worried I agree with you about stopping as soon as things improve, I shall be weaning off again soon, I have annual health check and medicines review due soon so will talk it over with doc. I don't think I will get ami. prescribed for much longer anyway! Glad you didn't have side effects when you stopped - wish me luck!