Where can I find definitive info rega... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Where can I find definitive info regarding estrogen and Raynauds?

To me it is all a guessing game including the doctors. When I came down with Raynauds and Scleroderma 14 years ago my hormones were raging. Later I went into a early menopause,a blessing and as the hormones decreased the Scleroderma has quitened quite a bit. I am sure there is a connection there.
Nine out of every ten sufferers are female - it is thought that oestrogen makes the blood thicker, slowing down its flow in the tiny vessels (the symptoms often first appear with puberty and attacks can be worse at certain times in the monthly cycle, sometimes tailing off after the menopause).
Hope this is helpful
Makes me wonder if I should wean off estrogen ...... S/P hysterectomy
But asked my gyno early on if my hormones could be making my previously "minor" symptoms of Raynauds worse. He said he'd never heard of that. Hhmmmm
Thanks for the reply!!!!

Hi Ema2. We will ask a doctor about this and get back to you, thanks.