was diagnosed with raynauds condition... - Scleroderma & Ray...
was diagnosed with raynauds condition today eventually. the hospital gave me no pain relief. what can i do to self help. in my toes

Hi adele69,
We are all different in what we feel.
I was prescribed codeine phosphate, which was useless, this was from the Pain Clinic. I tried taking Nifedipine for four weeks, the first four days, I fainted loads of times, the headaches were intense and worse still was the sheer pain in my feet.
After waiting 43 weeks to see a Rheumatologist. I've been diagnosed with Raynaud's and Neuropathic pain (chronic pain). The only method in keeping my feet warm is wiggling them, silver socks and thick mountain socks and heat warmers in my socks. Along with paracetomol. Last year I lost all the skin on my feet, all of my toenails so now I really do look after and pamper my feet. After bathing/showering I dry them thoroughly, cream them up and put my socks on immediately (after they have been on the radiator).
I also have prescribed insoles from the Trauma and Orthopeadics Department.
Basically, keep them cleansed, creamed, warm and over the counter pain killers.
Also join the RSA raynauds.org.uk/ which has been fantastic... They send out newsletters several times a year. Invaluable and very informative.

thanks for your reply. will join rsa. I have been given nifedipine only started taking them yesterday.
Your GP deals with pain killers. I suggest you see him/ her rather than self prescribe. Good luck.
Health supplements I take include
Garlic, Ginko biloba, Omega Oils 3,6,9
Dont help the pain but do all keep the blood vessels open
I was also lent a foot spa but I was too scared to use it as I couldn't feel the temperature and was worried I'd burn my feet. The lady who recommended it though swore it was the best thing since sliced bread. (can tolerate that either- lol)
Socks knee lenth and a short pair underdeth .NOT TOO TIGHT sheepskin boots and slippers watch superments if taking drugs some don,t mix I keep warm by moving around .Will get hover out if cold .Check temp in foot spa by hand try and use as i put my feet in the bubbles in the hot tub and it helps .
thanks for your advise. I have been wearing 2 pairs of thermal and a thin pair. I am just about coping with the pain. Got tablets from doctors yesterday hope they will kick in soon. have you heard about these? they are called NIFEDIPINE CAPSULES 3 TIMES A DAY
yes i am on this as well .And do better on it .In fact i can reduce it in warmer places .I wear lots of clothes vest nice one from Marks 2 jumpers covering arms and neck gillet if cold in house .Long johns sometimes long seve vest I find keeping busy and moving about is the ans .Love my sheepskin boots and slipper /boots try heat pads .