have been told I now have an under active thyroid is this classed as primary or secondary raynoids
raynoids is it primary or secondary? ? - Scleroderma & Ray...
raynoids is it primary or secondary? ?

one has nothing to do with the other. Not Raynaud's.
Hi - I've had an underactive thyroid diagnosed for about 12 years now and have wondered if my Raynauds type symptoms may be because of this as cold extremities are listed under hypothyroidism. But I am
checked for my thyroid levels twice a year and my GP is adamant that I'm taking the right amount of Levothyroxine. He says he believes mine is secondary Raynauds but this hasn't been confirmed yet.
In answer to your question I think all autoimmune conditions can overlap and are strongly related. If your Hypothyroidsm is the autoimmune type and you already have Raynauds then in theory it would be your thyroid issues which are secondary - but I don't think this term exists in relation to hypothyroidism and primary Raynauds because hypothyroidism isn't classed as a connective tissue disease/ disorder.
For me Ranaud's and Sjogrens are secondary to my RA because this came first for me. The thyroid disorder is just another autoimmunity that has happened to precede all the others and makes it more likely that I will acquire more along the way! Tilda

Yes that's the some as me I got raynoids 6 years ago n only just been diagnosed with under active thyroid 5 weeks ago I'm taking 25mg at the moment and I'm having my first blood test to check my levels tomorrow, they tested my autoimmunity which was negative which is good but still have questions UN answered
Was that autoantibodies for thyroid or for ANA do you know? I ask because I'm antibody positive for thyroid but have a negative ANA which makes Lupus or Scleroderma very unlikely. I too have lots of unanswered questions but am starting to reconcile myself to the fact that it may remain that way for ever more!

It was negative for thyroid autoantibody do u no what having a negative means
Well I had mine done privately and it flagged up as significantly raised (peridoxise or something?) so I asked people on the thyroid UK HealthUnlocked and people told me it meant I have the autoimmune type of Hypothyroidism. I don't know enough about thyroid conditions to know what negative antibodies signify but they all know loads so ask on there maybe?