Prostate is "slightly enlarged" and he is on pills to "reduce" swelling. Is a return to "normal weeing" likely or could it mean an operation
My husband just had catheter removed ... - Scleroderma & Ray...
My husband just had catheter removed after 1 month but cannot "wee" so has to self catheterize for a while and hope normal"weeing"returns.Pr

I was diagnosed with an enlarged prostate and the consultant prescribed tablets which sorted the problem out in a month or so. The only problem now is I'm on the tablets for the rest of my life.
I favour natural remedies whenever possible. When my young son got very upset because he couldn't 'pee' I popped him into a bath and encouraged him to pee in the warm water. It helped relax him and it worked beautifully. For an enlarged prostate, eating organic pumpkin seeds is most effective. They can be eaten alone, with cereal, soup etc. Also zinc supplement helps with 'frequency' especially at night. Available at your local health shop. Hope this helps.
Good day to you. I have no knowledge of the new treatments for enlarged prostate but would like to wish your husband a speedy recovery, hopefully without the need for surgery. You must be very worried for him so I am sending you my best wishes also. Try not to worry too much, the medical experts will take good care of both of you.
Don't be afraid to ask them as many questions as you want and anything that's not clear to yourselves, ask for explanations in layman's terms. This is what I do and have always had the utmost patience and understanding from my GP and my Rheumatologist. I make notes and take them with me to my appointments so I don't forget.
Good luck to your hubby, yourself and all your family.
Hi Kevla
I'm female, so don't have prostate problems but after major bladder surgery a couple of years ago, I couldn't wee when my indwelling catheter was taken out. I used intermittent catheterisation for 6 or 7 weeks, before I became 'fully functional' again. Some advice I was given was to try every time to wee before using a catheter. I did without success, until one day, I started to dribble. After that, I wee'd more by myself, until I was eventually back to normal. My relief was immense!
Also, my hubby has been taking tablets for over-growth of prostate and they have helped his condition a lot.
Please give your hubby our best wishes, and tell him not to give us hope.
Hi Kevla
Maybe he could measure everything he drinks, and also how much he wees. That should give you a good idea of whether he is still retaining urine.
He has kept a chart for three days,of input and output. Overall he gets rid of as much, if not more than he has taken in. But it seems he will go all day with giving up a 100mls here and there but come the eveninghe gives up 800mls! So where is it hiding all day? He does still try to "go" for himself before the selfcath.
Is he taking any pills that affect his fluid output? For example, does he take a drug at the end of the day that encourages urine loss?
Just an idea.