is peripheral neuropathy have signifi... - Scleroderma & Ray...
is peripheral neuropathy have significance to underlyimg problem
I don't understand the question.
Hello Tassia123, Are you asking if Periperal Neurophathy (nerve pain) is the result of an underlying problem? I have peripheral neuropathy and my GP tested my blood sugar as diabetics often have peripheral neurophathy but it was normal and I do not have Diabetes. I also have Raynauds and have had a previous spinal chord injury so I do not know the cause of my peripheral neuropathy. I take Nifedipine for my Reynauds prescribid by my Rhumatologist and Pregabalin for the peripheral neuropathy prescribed by my pain management specialist. I am also on Tramadol for my neck and lower spinal pain.
I hope you sort your problem out. Best Wishes, Jessie122
Hmmm, I can relate to this. I've been suffering from altered sensation, particularly in my hands and feet (left arm and foot in particular). After surgery on my neck at C5/C6 to alleviate PN my Reynaud's symptoms seemed to become much worse. I'm on what seems to be the usual cocktail of meds for the neuropathy and I'm about to start Nifedipene. So just to re-assure you that you're not alone and hopefully you'll be able to find support from peoples shared experiences on this site. I know I have and I've only just been recommended by my Rheumatologist. Hope this helps