telangectasias - anyone have this ? w... - Scleroderma & Ray...

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telangectasias - anyone have this ? where ? any tips would be greatly appreciated as my face is similar to a red dot to red dot puzzle ;)

living-the-dream-ssc-ray profile image
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17 Replies
Carolanne profile image

Yes I have had several spots of Talangectasias treated at the Royal Free by Laser.

ooo.... thanks for posting ... was it painful ?

I have diffuse scleroderma and raynauds - my skin is soooo sensitive and similar to rigid tissue paper on my face !

I am very conscious of the red spots in public, although my friends and family kindly tell me that the spots are not obvious and look like freckles if anything...Unfortunately, I see a red dot to red dot childrens bumper edition puzzle on my face lol

If I try and cover them up with foundation make up, I feel as though I am a stand-in for the pantomine dame haha

all in all I do know that, bigger picture, they are not the end of the world and I should embrace them.....

wartsandall profile image

Hi.....I had a telangectasia on the tip of my nose treated with pulse light laser last year...I have had a brilliant result from the treatment and no longer have to worry about covering it with makeup.....the treatment was very quick and felt similar to an elastic band being flicked at the skin......I had an instant small deep purple bruise which faded in 3-4 weeks......I would strongly recommend the treatment.....the scleroderma nurse specialist arranged a review for me with the dermatologist at my local hospital......I would strongly recommend you speak to your scleroderma nurse, you will be very happy with the results if you go ahead with the treatment....take care x

Yorky profile image

I've also had them lasered at Leeds, doesn't hurt much, just a quick sting, they did about ten at a time. But it does leave a back scab which flakes off after about a week. The worse bit was probably a slight burning smell! I now just cover them slightly with a light foundation.

Anteater profile image

Hello, I have had this and also looked like a red dot lol!!! I have been having laser at royal free for the last five years. My face was red red red when it first started and had laser every 6 months but now is well under control and have the laser once a year but can have it more if it flares. It is fantastic you must try it. Not too painful like a flick of an elastic band and bruising but goes quite quickly. Xx

ah thanks everyone for sharing ! You have all made me feel a lot better about my childrens games compendium on my face haha !

I am definitely going to mention it at my next appointment, and presumably this will then just become part of the scleroderma raynauds routine along with the lung function tests and Echo ......

Thanks again everyone :) x

Greta48 profile image

I am very aware of these on my face, lips and hands. Not a pretty sight but its just part of all that goes along with this sclerloderma raynauds. I'm not sure if hospital would do anything to help as I am in my sixties. This is my 1st time to reply or anything on the site but have been reading all for a while. It really helps knowing I'm not alone.

BarbJ profile image
BarbJ in reply to Greta48

Hi Greta48 and others who read this. I'm just turned 57 but was offered laser treatment at Salford hospital - which amazed me actually as i was never offered it at North Staffs where I used to be seen. I did once pay privately for some sessions and it reduced them a lot but they're now back to how they were .. yes, I refused at Salford, partly because my pain threshold on my face must be quite low as I found the elastic band sensation very painful (though I did not develop scabs or anything else afterwards), and partly because I don't worry so much about them now. It was nice to have them hardly visible for a while though I must admit.

Mine are like the consetallation Orion on my left cheek and Taurus on my right cheek, plus they're on my nose and forehead. I have just one on my lip and some on my hands. I tried the thick make up you can get but hated it so I just use ordinary stuff now - actually I use Laura Geller and with the primer underneath they are pretty well disguised - except in fluoresent light, I always did look ghastly in that :-).

Hope you go ahead and ask and that you get the treatment.

Ah Greta48 bless you for sharing and getting involved ! I am 40 in June and really trying to up my game (in that, I want to feel good), on the 16th year of my living the dream with diffuse scleroderma and raynauds ! I also have them on my lips, well what is left of my lips, thanks to scleroderma ! But I have quite a few prominent ones on my cheeks and forehead which is where I see the dot to dot extravaganza ! I havent got any on my hands although my hands are like a werewolf, which excites Prof Denton so it must be good ! haha ! it is a sign that the skin is restoring itself apparently - hair growth !

Interesting though - over the last 6months I have developed red spots on my trunk and cleavage area (as if this diagnosis does not strip you enough of your feminine attributes ?! although my body has worn an eskimo suit for the last 5 years or so, so I suppose no bigeee really on the bigger picture scale....) but anyway, after a month of them appearing, my GP checked them out and said they were telangectasia, and although I respect her opinon and am grateful for her time, I am not convinced that they are telangectasia, as they have a more pimple look and feel to them ! (I really am living the dream typing about the dot to dot compendium on my body on a sunday evening haha). Although, they are not pimples as such. They are quite tender to touch where as the ones on my face are ok in that respect.

I regularly have night sweats, and thought they maybe a result of these - I wake up to my body being covered in sweat along with me actually shivering, feeling really cold.

I havent blogged or asked if anyone else experiences this little added extra this diagnosis has included in the mix for me, before ! so I am with you on this one Greta48!

Has anyone else got them on their trunk, and if so, are they different to the facial ones ? and what about night sweats ? anyone else have these ? I sleep under 3 duvets sandwiched together in one cover as well as my mini north pole expedition garments - fleece, tshirt and track suit bottoms, and of course, thick fleece socks - glamorous night wear ;) x

wartsandall profile image
wartsandall in reply to living-the-dream-ssc-ray

Hi....I have several telangectasia on my chest and trunk.......I also have terrible night sweats and more recently hot flushes....I am in my early 50's........I had my hormone levels checked by my GP which confirmed that I was may be a good idea to ask your GP to request some baseline bloods and check your hormone of luck x

Hiya wartsandall ! thanks for replying ! I am back at the hospital next week for bloods so I will get my hormone levels checked also !

I bet thats an interesting one - a hot flush along with a raynauds attack ! sorry to hear you are going through this ! x

wartsandall profile image
wartsandall in reply to living-the-dream-ssc-ray

Hi......thank you for your reply.......since I started with the menopause my raynauds has been more would be interesting to find out if there has been any research conducted into menopausal women and the effect it has on their raynauds.....I'll mention this to my consultant when I'm next in clinic......

Maggs3petts profile image

Hi, yes I have it on back of neck + behind my ears also one on tip of nose. Haven't bothered getting treatment for them though. They're trying to find what's blocking one of my bile ducts @ min and also doing a biopsy on 19th so maybe when they've sorted these two things out I'll go. :-)

lifeforce profile image

Hello, I have had scleroderma fo 12 years, yes ladies as your hormones rage the symptoms do get worse. I went through menopause about 6 years ago and afterwards my skin has softened alot,I actually have wrinkles on my face! My entire face is covered with telangectasias though,I hate wearing make up all the time, but I would actually scare children without.I dream everyday that a cure and cause will be found for this curse.

wartsandall profile image
wartsandall in reply to lifeforce

Hi lifeforce......I'm pleased to hear that your skin has softened since your menopausal symptoms have been dreadful of late...When .I feel my hot flushes come and would happily strip down to my knickers and bra,.... but all the same time my raynauds is more severe......I have never suffered from ulcers, but with the recent arctic weather I have had Hacks ( split skin ) on my fingers and knuckles,... I always ensure I use plenty of hand creams to help prevent this painful problem.....I would definitely recommend having the pulse light laser treatment for the telangectasia if it is offered to you,.... I was very satisfied with the results from my treatment and I'm sure you would be happy too.....take care x

Ah thanks ladies !! Ive got the menopause to look forward to along with this health challenge ! wehoo ! just when I thought I had almost cracked it haha .. thanks for sharing your experiences :) x

AHM42 profile image

Cosmetic camouflage powders ands and creams re wonderful. I feel 'undressed' unless I put my makeup on. Looks like I have measles in a morning! I use Iredale compressed powder which is expensive but does the trick. Sometimes I use VEIL camouflage with a fixing powder. It doesn't look like theatrical makeup if applied carefully.

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