February is Raynaud's Awareness Month and we've been busy preparing for it at Head Office. Anne will be doing radio interviews throughout the month and we will be kicking off the month with our 30th Anniversary House of Commons reception on 1st February. Anne will also be attending the FESCA (Federation of European Scleroderma Associations) World Congress in Madrid at the beginning of the month with one of our trustees.
If you can display an awareness pack please let us know by emailing info@raynauds.org.uk or by telephoning 01270 872776.
We'll also be hoping to get plenty of press coverage in regional and national newspapers. This is a really effective way of raising awareness about both Raynaud's and the RSA.
We are always looking for members who are willing to be interviewed by a journalist about their condition. If you are a member of the RSA and you are happy to be contacted, please let us know by email (info@raynauds.org.uk) or by telephoning Head Office on 01270 872776. This is a great way to inform others who might be suffering. I'm sure you can all remember how it felt not to know what was causing your cold hands!!
Best wishes and let's hope the weather warms up a bit soon.